The theory of balance in losing your weight


Uploaded on Apr 30, 2021

Dr. Cohen says that nothing can be achieved without your balanced mind. The same strategy works in the balanced eating plan for weight loss.



The theory of balance in losing your weight

JOIN DR. COHEN’S WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM ONLINE Make your dream come true with nutrition and weight loss online courses Dr. Cohen says that who does not want to look attractive but absence of easy access to nutrition and weight loss online courses put hindrance in their dream to look awesome in the crowd. He believes in offering scientific solution to all his dieters so asks them to undergo simple blood test. Later on, these test reports becomes a guideline to prepare a diet chart for each of his dieters. Dr. Cohen aware us to realize the seriousness of obesity. His diet-plans are easy to follow plans. They don’t break the bank. Medical research has proved that obesity is the main reason behind chronic diseases and seasonal infections. Dr. Cohen further explains that your busy schedule will always be there so finding few minutes to reveal the habit that is putting obstacle in experiencing perfect body weight is most important. His diet includes poultry, red meat, vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy, seafood, eggs at precise quantities suitable to his each dieter. He suggests that one of your habits is a major disrupter in achieving perfect body weight. Just remove that habit and you would be near to your goal of experiencing perfect body weight. Dr. Cohen never ask you to buy costly food supplement. He says that your food is your medicine. Contact us W e b s i t e h t t p : / /1 s t p e r s o n a l d i e t . c o m A d d r e s s P o r t E l i z a b e t h , E a s t e r n c a p e , S o u t h A f r i c a E m a i l i d D r C o h e n @ 1 s t P e r s o n a l D i e t . c o m THANK YOU