Interstitial Ads – Advantages and Disadvantages


Uploaded on Apr 24, 2020

As a business in today’s era, you cannot forego the opportunities presented by online advertising. And one of the ways to attract the attention of the users is by using the interstitial ads. The interstitial ads are those that are visible on a webpage as it loads. These online ads are useful to grab eyeballs of the website or app visitors.



Interstitial Ads – Advantages and Disadvantages

Interstitial Ads – Advantages and Disadvantages Anita Ray Writer at Marvist consulting, Marvist offshore digital marketing for SMB clients is appreciable, has jobs openings especially Digital Marketing jobs in hyderabad at Marvist As a business in today’s era, you cannot forego the opportunities presented by online advertising. And one of the ways to attract the attention of the users is by using the interstitial ads. The interstitial ads are those that are visible on a webpage as it loads. These online ads are useful to grab eyeballs of the website or app visitors. Usually, interstitial ads are placed at the time a webpage is loading. It can also be used between the different levels of an online game or to connect activities. The users typically have a choice – they can either view the ad completely or skip the ad and go to the intended page directly. An interstitial ad can include all kinds of elements – graphics, photos, text and video. However, the first question is whether you should use it or not? There is no single answer to this. What you need to understand is that when it comes to online adverts, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before choosing to use them. Benefits Of Using Interstitial Ads There are a few reasons for choosing interstitials ads over other types of ads. The key reasons for doing these interstitial ads are provided below. Interstitial Ads Are Interesting: When this ad is used properly, it can bring together an attractive aspect to showcase your products and services. Moreover, as you allow the user to view or skip, it isn’t as big a bother as most other online ads. Interstitial Ads Are Comprehensive: While an interstitial ad may only contain text, there is no limit to how you present content here. Therefore, it is easier to include fascinating images or videos in the ad to make it successful. Interstitial Ads Capture Attention: If placed in the correct position, the user experience of interstitial ads is ideal to capture the attention of the target audience. While the user waits for a webpage to load or the next level of activity, it becomes a suitable option for use. It May Delay Loading Time: If the interstitial ad goes on and on, and the webpage takes a long time to load, the user is sure to feel irritated with the website. The ad must load quickly as well. Here also, you can ensure that the ads are loaded in advance so that the user has a seamless experience. With this, you will surely be able to have an opportunity to display your products or services with ease and efficiency. Disadvantages Of Interstitial Ads There are some aspects of interstitial ads that are not advantages, it is important to be aware of them to sidestep these disadvantages It May Hamper User Experience: If you opt for too many such ads, it may even annoy the user so much that they leave the site. It would definitely be so when the user faces an ad at every step of the way. The solution is simple enough; even though interstitial ads may be useful, you should always keep in mind that too much of anything isn’t good. Therefore, you need to ensure that the number is kept to a minimum. Ensuring Interstitial Ads Work For Your Business Here is a quick tip. Keep experimenting and keep monitoring the performance of these ads. Wait for sufficient impressions before making further decisions. Also, don’t go by what has worked for others. See if the same is working for your website too. The interstitial ads are easy, effective and eye-catching, and can be a good tool for more success in your advertising campaigns. About Marvist Marvist Digital Marketing, a 14 years old premium company, has established a special niche for their high-end professional service to the small and medium enterprise market segments in US & UK. Over the years, Marvist served nearly 1000+ medium firms with its expertise and innovative approach that offered true economic value to the customers. Thank you for your time in reading this article!