Uploaded on May 1, 2020
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Anguilla Company Registration
COMPANY REGISTRATIO N IN ANGUILLA GUILLA IS A GROU P OF AN ISLANDS BETWEEN THE CARIBBEAN SEA AN D NORTH S A ATLANTIC OCEAN. IT I TISH DEPENDENCY AND BRI HAS FEW NATURAL RESOURCES. • THE ECONOMY OF ANGU ILLA Y DEPENDS HEAVILY O N LUXUR TOURISM, OFFSHOR E BANKING, LOBSTER FISHING, A ND REMITTANCES FROM EMIGRANTS. • INCREASED ACTIVITY IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY HAS ROMPTED THE GROW TH OF THE P CONSTRUCTION SEC TOR, CONOMIC CONTRIBUTING TO E GROWTH. CORPORATE Opportunity to purchase ready- made companiesINFORMATINOoN The use of the Cyrillic alphabet in No the name Local registered office No Organizational and Legal Forms IBC Indication of BPA in the name Ltd, Corp, Inc, SA, NV или GmbH Local registered agent No SHARES AND SHARE Information about the CAPITAL No restrictionsbeneficiary is disclosed The minimum amount of the issued capital No restrictions Bearer shares No Terms of payment of the ITAL issAuReEdS AcNaDp SitHaAlRE CAP No restrictionsSH Terms of capital payment No restrictions Possibility to issue shares No without par value ompany (ABC) – what a re Setting up An Anguilla B usiness C the main features? ny (“IBC”), an Unlike an International Business Compa Anguilla Business Comp any s within Anguilla as we ll as (“ABC”) can do busines internationally nt in ABC will be free of taxa tion unlike its equivale An ictions many other offshore jur isd An s exem pt from manAyB Cfi liing and requirements rep oprutibnlgof a ic company (aar ceosm y offering sh topan the public) C) – TERNATIONAL BUSIN ESS COMPNAY (IB SETTING UP AN IN URES? WHAT ARE THE MAIN FEAT COMPANY’S ONLY BU SINESS WHEN THE • AN IBC MOST SUITABLE BE ANYTHING ELSE BUT DED TO IS, AND IS NEVER IN TEN INTERNATIONAL HOM MAY BE ONE OR MORE DIRE CTORS, EACH OF W • MAY HAVE AL PERSON ANY LEGAL OR NATU R CHASE OR REDEEM I TS SHARES IT MAY PUR LD ANYWHERE AND MEETINGS MAY BE HE TREASURY AND BEA RER SHARES ARE AND THERE IS NO A UDIT OR PERMITTED REMENTS FINANCIAL STATEME NT REQUI