Coronavirus Infection – Essential Prevention Habits


Uploaded on Sep 23, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is creating untold havoc across the globe and every country has been affected by this outbreak. In this context, we must be aware of the basic Coronavirus precautions and follow them without fail.



Coronavirus Infection – Essential Prevention Habits

Coronavirus Infection – Essential Prevention Habits B.K Vijay Experienced writer at Hyderabad india online (HIOC), writes on real estate, maps, telugu saree and hyderabad sarees under shopping. The Covid-19 pandemic is creating untold havoc across the globe and every country has been affected by this outbreak. In this context, we must be aware of the basic Coronavirus precautions and follow them without fail. It is important to look at them as habits that we need to build for a lifetime rather than as a temporary measure.  The hands have to be frequently cleaned making use of an alcohol-based sanitizer.  We need to wash the hands with water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds to destroy any viruses that could be present. This aspect becomes more important soon after we use the restroom and just before having a meal. Likewise, we shouldn’t forget about washing the hands immediately after a cough or a sneeze. It must be ensured that the minimum distance separating us from the people around is not less than six feet. When people speak/sneeze/cough, small droplets get ejected from the mouth/nose and these droplets might have the virus. And, we could end up inhaling these droplets, if we are closer than 6 feet to the person.  It’s paramount that people stay away from crowded locations. It’s in the midst of crowds that it becomes difficult to adhere to the above point of physical distancing. Moreover, when there are huge numbers of people at a given place, there is also a possibility of the presence of a few infected persons among them.  One can’t always stop the hands from coming into contact with surfaces, some of which could even be contaminated with the viruses. Therefore, make it a point that you don’t touch the mouth, eyes, and nose. Otherwise, there is a chance of the virus finding its way into the body.  Whenever you have to sneeze/cough, you should cover the mouth/nose with the elbow, not the palms. If a tissue is used for this purpose, dispose of it away in a proper way, to not to risk the health of others.  We have to regularly disinfect the surfaces that we touch, as a part of our daily life. Before disinfecting, the surfaces should be cleaned using a soap/detergent. Tables, switches, doorknobs, and faucets are examples of such surfaces.  Even if there are milder forms of discomfort such as low-grade fever, intermittent cough, and headache, you need to isolate yourself until total recovery. Here, if going outdoors becomes unavoidable, you have to put on a mask and refrain from touching others.  If you experience serious symptoms like breathlessness, high fever, and severe cough, take medical guidance immediately. Your local public health officials will have details about the nearby medical facilities handling the Coronavirus emergencies. Do reach out to them and take their assistance  Last but not the least; we must keep ourselves informed about all the Coronavirus-related updates, especially the details specific to the area or zone of the city where we live. The Coronavirus pandemic has been playing itself out for a long time. There is no letup in the infections and they have grown with time. It is important to not allow fatigue to set in and we need to continue with good habits and good practices continuously. About Hyderabad India Online (HIOC) is a website about Hyderabad city in India that publishes information updates, tips, and practical insights on Hyderabad markets, shopping, real estate, maps etc. The Hyderabad Info section and business limelight series of HIOC are popular. Some content published in this website is in collaboration with Marvist Digital Marketing. Thank you for spending your precious time in reading this article!