High Performance Coating | Food Grade Coating | Chicago


Uploaded on May 7, 2019

Category Business

Chicago Corrosion Group is happy to offer Food Grade Coating services for tall silos which are basically used for storage of grains, rice, oats, and wheat, etc. The High-Performance Coating reduces the risk of contamination to food and drink items. For further queries please call us at 847-423-2167 or directly write us [email protected]

Category Business



High Performance Coating | Food Grade Coating | Chicago

Chicago Corrosion Group High Performance Coating & Food Grade Coating in Chicago Food and beverage facilities require unique A B O U T F O O D considerations for food grade coating including the G R A D E risks of contamination to food and drink items, and FPDroAp/UerS DinAs tcaollmatpiolina nisc ec.ritical. In one case, CCG C O A T I N G identified a unique coating system for the installation C H I C A G O C O R R O S I O N into more than 70, 30’ x 80’ tall silos which contained G R O U P various grains, including rice, oats and wheat, with an anticipated no-maintenance service life in excess of 20 years. In other cases, we have identified high- performance coatings for liquid sugar tanks, corn syrup at elevated temperatures, silos, beer and wine environments, and many more. CCG is also qualified to identify corrosion mitigation systems for wastewater treatment systems, and all varieties of liquid and solids blending and storage tanks. C H I C A G O C O R R O S I O N G R O U P ! Chicago Corrosion Group, LLC is home to a dynamic, unique method of coating consulting. We are intensely client-centric and vendor-neutral. Our business and value model is simple: use intelligent design and the implementation of anti-corrosoin technologies in order to get the least expensive, best performing systems possible. All we do, every day, is save our clients money. In many cases, these savings are profound. We do this by providing the following services: 1. Condition surveys or as- found survey 2. Root cause analysis of corrosion and other issues. 3. Identification of optimal solutions. 4. Development of specifications and application protocols. 5. Project management. 6. QA/QC services. 7. General contracting services, upon request. CCG also provides some of the highest quality Business Development Consulting available. What makes CCG truly unique is our promise to act solely in the best interest of our clients. Combined, our employees have approximately 45 years of experience in the coatings industry and a familiarity with thousands of products. This puts us in a unique position to identify systems with low costs, low maintenance, high durability, and fantastic performances. At CCG, the client always comes first. Who We SCHeICrAvGeO CORROSION GROUP P R E P A R A T O R Y C O M M E R C I A L / F O O D & B E V E R A G E IN D U S T R IA L AQ UA R I U M S / M U N I C I PA L I T I E S S TA G E A R C H IT E C T U R A L M A N U FA C T U R I N G C H E M I C A L A Q UAT I C S / / Z O O S / P O O L S B R ID G E S MEET THE TEAM E X P E R I E N C E D P R O F E S S I O N A L S WARREN DAN WIESE BRAND Senior Consultant OWNER LET'S TALK - CONTACT US! C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N OFFICE ADDRESS 9021 Kostner Ave, Skokie, IL 60076, USA PHONE NUMBER 847-423-2167 EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] VISIT WEBSITE TODAY!