123_holi festival


Uploaded on Mar 6, 2018

This is an important festival for indians.



123_holi festival

PowerPoint Presentation Holi Festival : the festival of colors One of the major festivals of India, Holi is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun which is the month of March as per the Gregorian calendar. Why Holi Festival ?? Hiranyakashipu was a tyrant the demon king. Hiranyakashipu had a very long and severe penance. Boon by Brahma, He was not be killed During day time or night , Inside a house or outside a house , Not on earth or in sky , Neither by a man nor by an animal, Neither with an astra (long range weapons) nor with a shastra(short range weapons). Hiranyakashipu's son(Prahalad) was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. A wicked sister of Hiranyakashipu had boon not to be burnt in fire. Holika sat with Prahalad in fire. Prahalad came out unhurt and Holika tuned into ashes. Is lit at night to signify burning of Holika, a symbol of evil. Celebration of victory of good over evil. Vasanta Mahotsava – The Great Festival of Vasanta (Spring) Kamotsva – Associated with story of Kama (The God of love) Dolyatra – Festival of Swings Phagwah - A festival of Phagun (Last month of Hindu calendar) Rangapanchami – The colourful fifth day of Chaitra Holi – Most common name Entire country wears a festive look when it is time for Holi celebration. Market places get a buzz with activity as frenzied shoppers start making preparations for the festival. Heaps of various hues of gulal and abeer can be seen on the roadside days before the festival. On the eve of Holi, called Chhoti or Small Holi people gather at important crossroads and light huge bonfires, the ceremony is called Holika Dahan. Holi in Mathura Holi was also the name of a female demon Putana who tried to Krishna, by feeding him poisoned nipples to suckle. The miracle baby Krishna sucked so intensely that he drained the she demon of her life. She was burnt on the pyre next day. It is one of the major celebrations in Mathura. Use Natural Colors : Natural colours can be made from flowers , fruits, vegetable extracts and leaves. Play Holi with natural colours, these are safe, economical, eco- friendly and can be easily made at home. Herbal Green Colour Herbal Red Colour Herbal yellow Colour Herbal Blue Colour Herbal Magenta Colour Respect the feelings of others while celebrating the festival of colours.  Don’t play colours with unwilling persons.  Don’t offend sensitivity of others.  Don’t throw water or balloons at passers.  Don’t throw dirt and chemicals on people.  Don’t indulge in eve teasing. Play Safe Holi………. Thank You