HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used by world Wide Web. HTTPS is HTTP with encryption. 'S' in HTTPS stands for SSL(Secure Socket Layer) that encrypts HTTP requests. HTTPS is secured than HTTP as it encrypts communication server and browser. HTTPS ensures website security by encrypting data.
HTTPS vs HTTP HTTPS vs HTTP HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used by world Wide Web. HTTPS is HTTP with encryption. 'S' in HTTPS stands for SSL(Secure Socket Layer) that encrypts HTTP requests. HTTPS is secured than HTTP as it encrypts communication server and browser. HTTPS ensures website security by encrypting data. DDoS Protection Our global network capacity is at 3Tbps and ever increasing A complete comprehensive cloud based website security service A fully managed service All of our infrastructure is owned and operated by us Stop any and all attacks, Period ! PCI level 1 certified 12 years of experience in DDoS protection 99.99% Uptime guarantee Unparalleled 24/7 support Globally distributed nodes 04/24/2020 4 Contact US/CA: 1.888.818.1344 UK: 0800 086 8812 Singapore: 800-101-1796 [email protected]