Types of DDoS Attack


Uploaded on Feb 4, 2021

Category Business

DDoS attacks fall into 1 of 2 categories Volumetric attacks & Sophisticated attacks. DOSarrest's DDoS protection service is a fully managed security service that stops any and all DDoS attacks

Category Business



Types of DDoS Attack

{Types of DDoS Attack www.dosarrest.com  Volumetric attacks  These types of attacks also referred to as “Floods” is when the attacker tries to flood the Internet bandwidth capacity of a website’s Internet connectivity or hosting provider  Sophisticated attacks  These types of attacks are the most difficult to stop and can be tricky to stop as they employ techniques that are not easily detected by many firewalls. Types of DDoS Attack www.dosarrest.com  DOSarrest's DDoS protection service has evolved over the last 12+ years to handle the largest and especially the most sophisticated attacks, we have a fair bit of experience after all.  DOSarrest's DDoS protection service is a fully managed security service.  DDoS Protection www.dosarrest.com  US/CA: 1.888.818.1344  UK: 0800 086 8812  Singapore: 800-101-1796  [email protected] Contact www.dosarrest.com