EC4P - Managed Compliance Services


Uploaded on May 30, 2018

Managed Compliance Services for WEEE, Batteries & Packaging - PDF Source -



EC4P - Managed Compliance Services

Flyer - Managed Compliance Environmental Compliance 4 Products WEEE Batteries Packaging If you have existing compliance arrangements in place we can... Audit your existing arrangements to identify compliance gaps Assist with compliance upgrades where required If you have no current compliance arrangements in place we can... Provide a legal compliance assessment to determine your legal exposure Implement compliance arrangements for you We manage your compliance in each country: - Producer registration and reporting arrangements - Pay all recycling fees (you receive one invoice) - Keep up-to-date with Regulation changes - Centralised and secure data reporting platform Prioritises all upcoming reporting deadlines Chases users for sales data in each country Checks data is entered in the correct format Issues annual WBP compliance certificates Managed Compliance Services for WEEE, Batteries & Packaging Global WEEE, Batteries & Packaging Recycling Compliance. Guaranteed.