Uploaded on Jan 25, 2020
Gardening is a step by step process that involves selection of plants according to location, quality of soil for better cultivation of plants, usage of homemade fertilizers, adequate spacing between plants for better growth, proper watering, protecting plants from harmful insects and flies and maintaining cleanliness of garden.
Suggested Plants for Small Home Gardens
Suggested Plants for Small Home Gardens Gary Martin Writer at big-topics.com, made many article contributions to http://big-topics.com Gardening is a step by step process that involves selection of plants according to location, quality of soil for better cultivation of plants, usage of homemade fertilizers, adequate spacing between plants for better growth, proper watering, protecting plants from harmful insects and flies and maintaining cleanliness of garden. The whole activity of gardening develops the habit to be keen about small things. Where we can understand the importance of small things by connected with them. In simple terms it is a way of developing new habits for being more productive. Those days are gone when the maintaining a garden was a time consuming work, large area was needed and an expert gardener was required for plantation and taking care of garden. But nowadays with a small area having garden is possible. Small garden can be maintained easily and requires less time. With a small area outside our home we can have an appearance of garden in the form of small garden. But before creating a garden we must know the type of soil of our location to buy preferable seeds. And nowadays people are getting attracted and creating miniature garden as a free time hobby. Because it is a kind of fairy garden filled with different accessories which gives real time experience of gardening. It also consist dwarf shrubs and made trees that grows slowly and needs less maintenance. This garden is mainly created to have pleasing and positive environment. There are different plants available for small garden to add more value for your home. Plants That Can be Grown in Small Garden Saliva plant is good for the small garden and available with different varieties. It comes with variety of smell and colors which attract most of the people. Salvia plant could be considered as a perennial plant because it grows for a long period. This plant grows fast and can tolerate hot summer. Some salvia plant is there that grows very well in shaded area and like wet soil. Some saliva plants come with an appearance of shrub and are available in different colors like pink, purple, white, red, blue and makes the surrounding more pleasing. Portulaca flower attracts the butterflies and are available in different colors like white, pink, yellow, orange, red etc. Portulaca flower does not require much watering because the cylindrical leaves of Portulaca flower maintains good amount of moisture. It grows better in sandy soil and can be grown in other kinds of soil. This flower is capable to bear full sunlight. Sedum plants is the another category of plants which can be grown in small garden. This plant can easily be grown even by a beginner. There are varieties of seeds available that can be grown according to the demand of soil. Sedum plants are one of the plants that are able to tolerate too much sunlight and require less amount of water & less fertilizer. Autumn Joy, Purple Emperor, Black Jack, Bronze Carpet, Jaws are some varieties of sedum plants. About Big Topics Big-topics.com is a website focused on covering unbiased and functional information on wide range of significant topics that might be useful and interesting in your everyday living. The topics provided are across from different fields including home, recreation, health, business, science, society etc. For more details on the categories, visit http://big-topics.com Thank you for spending your precious time in reading this article.