Uploaded on Mar 23, 2020
Secure your bids by providing Bid Bond Guarantee! To avail Bid Bond from us, email [email protected] Bid Bond is to provide guarantee to the project owner/developer that the bidder/contractor will complete the work if selected. Also, this bond gives assurance to the developer that the bidder/contractor has the financial means to accept the job for the budget quoted in the bid. Without this bid bond, there might a chance to get disqualified from the bidding process. Are you looking to avail bid bonds to secure profitable contract? We can help you by providing the required bid bond within 48 working hrs. Watch this PPT presentation to find out how to apply Bid Bond or write us [email protected] or visit https://importletterofcredit.com/bid-bond
Apply Bid Bond– Bid Bond Guarantee Process
Bid Bond– Tender Bond (Guarantee) For Importers & Exporters OR Contractors & Developers Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C. [email protected] www.importletterofcredit.com This Slide Contain: • Bid Bond – Tender Bid Bond Information • Bid Bond – Tender Bid Bond Process • Bid Bond – Tender Bid Bond Video • Bid Bond – Tender Bid Bond Provider Biid Bond – Tender Biid IInform atiion Biid Bond -- Tenderr Bond arre parrtiticcullarrlly ussed iin cconssttrrucctition // prroperrtty iindussttrry by Conttrraccttorrss tto biid & wiin prrofifittablle cconttrraccttss // prrojjeccttss ffrrom Develloperrss.. Thesse Bondss ccan allsso be utitilliizzed by Buyerrss tto iimporrtt goodss ffrrom Supplliierrss.. Biid Bond iinccrreasse yourr ccrrediibiilliitty ass a Conttrraccttorr orr Buyerr when ccompetititition iiss prressentt.. To avaiill Tenderr Bond Guarranttee,, cchecck outt ourr webssiitte:: httttpss::////iimporrttlletttterroffccrrediitt..ccom//biid--bond// Biid Bond – Tender Bond Process TThee cclliieentt wiillll ssubmiitt tthee ccopyy off tteendeerr doccumeentt aand cconttrraaccttuaall aaggrreeeemeentt tto Brronzzee Wiingg TTrraadiingg.. BWTT wiillll rreevviieew tthee doccumeenttss aand iinfforrmaatition ggiivveen byy tthee cclliieentt.. Baasseed on tthee doccumeenttss,, BWTT wiillll updaattee tthee cclliieentt iiff ttheeiirr TTB rreequeesstt iiss aapprrovveed orr rreejjeecctteed.. Onccee tthee TTB rreequeesstt iiss aapprrovveed,, wee wiillll ssiiggn tthee sseerrvviiccee aaggrreeeemeentt & wiillll quottee tthee aadmiin cchaarrggeess tto worrkk on ttheeiirr ttrraanssaacctition.. Upon rreecceeiiptt off aadmiin cchaarrggeess aand tthee neeeedeed doccumeenttss,, wee wiillll ssttaarrtt worrkkiingg on tthee ttrraanssaacctition.. Neexxtt,, wee wiillll sseend tthee Biid Bond drraaftft fforr tthee cclliieentt rreevviieew.. And aallsso,, aasskk ttheem tto paayy tthee iissssuaanccee ffeeee cchaarrggeess.. Onccee ttheeyy paaiid tthee cchaarrggeess,, wee wiillll rreequeesstt ourr baankk tto iissssuee tthee rreequiirreed biid bond ffrrom ourr baankk aaccccountt.. TThiiss bond wiillll bee iissssueed vviiaa sswiiftft MTT760 tto tthee buyyeerr’’ss baankk wiitthiin 48 worrkkiingg hourrss.. Biid Bond – Tender Bond Procedure Avaiill Biid Bond – Tender Bond Now Biid Bond – Tender Bond Viideo Youtube Vimeo Metacafe Avaiill Biid Bond – Tender Bond Now Biid Bond Guarantee Proviider Do you require Bid Bonds to get qualified in the bidding process to win lucrative contracts? 4 Contact Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C.! We can provide such Bid Bonds to our clients from European banks of international repute. Why Choose Us? 30 yrs of experience & global reach Deal closed within 48 working hrs Partnered with European banks Fast & prompt response Escrow payment option Contact Us www.importletterofcredit.com Facebook [email protected] Twitter 00971-4-5519699 Linkedin Office 3002, 30th Floor, YouTube Aspect Tower, Executive Towers- D, Al-Sa'ada Street, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Get Free Quote Now