Apply Performance Bond – Performance Bond Process


Uploaded on Mar 23, 2020

Get Performance Bond from us without tying up your valuable cash resources! Write [email protected] Performance Bond is issued by a bank on behalf of its client. This acts as a surety to secure any claim by the buyer to the seller in case of any default (non-performance of the project or default in the delivery of supplying huge commodities as per the signed contract terms). Getting performance bond from traditional sources seems to be – difficult, time-consuming, more paperwork & often ask you to provide cash collateral. But we provide Performance Bank Guarantee on your behalf from rated European Banks without obtaining any financial collateral or cash margin. Moreover, we can help you to avail the required surety bond within 48 banking hrs. To avail Performance Bond, watch this PPT presentation or visit You can also send us your requirements on [email protected].



Apply Performance Bond – Performance Bond Process

Performance Bond / Performance Guarantee For Importers & Exporters (OR) Contractors & Developers Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C. [email protected] www. This Slide Contain: • Performance Bond / Guarantee Information • Performance Bond / Guarantee Process • Performance Bond / Guarantee Video • Performance Bond / Guarantee Provider Performance Bond // Guarante e IInformatiion Performance Bond / Guarantee often required for a large commodity transactions between Sellers & Buyers or construction projects between Contractors & Developers to ensure the performance of deal/project. A Performance Bond / Guarantee is provided by a bank to give assurance that seller/contractor completes the project or the supply as per contract terms. It is also known as Surety Bond or Bid Bond. To know more information on Performance Guarantee, click, Performance Bond // Guarante e Process  TThee sseelllleerr//cconttrraaccttorr ssubmiittss ttheeiirr PG//PB rreequeesstt iin fforrm off SSiiggneed SSPA cconttrraacctt..  Wee wiillll rreevviieew tthee ttrraadee deeaall aand lleett ttheem kknow wheettheerr ttheeyy aarree eelliiggiibllee tto prrocceeeed ffurrttheerr orr nott..  IIff eelliiggiibllee,, wee wiillll ssiiggn tthee sseerrvviiccee aaggrreeeemeentt aand aallsso iinfforrm ttheem tto paayy tthee aadmiin cchaarrggeess..  Aftfteerr rreecceeiivviingg tthee aadmiin cchaarrggeess,, wee wiillll ssttaarrtt worrkkiingg on ttheeiirr rreequeesstt..  Wee wiillll sseend tthee PB//PG drraaftft fforr ttheeiirr rreevviieew.. Allongg wiitth tthiiss,, wee wiillll aasskk ttheem tto paayy tthee iissssuaanccee ffeeee cchaarrggeess & aallsso rreequeesstt tto prrovviidee tthee neeeedeed doccumeenttss..  Onccee wee rreecceeiivvee tthee rreequeesstteed doccumeenttss aand paayymeentt ffrrom tthee cclliieentt,, wee wiillll iinssttaanttllyy rreequeesstt ourr baankk tto iiniititiaattee tthee iissssuaanccee off PB//PG..  And tthiiss PB wiillll bee iissssueed vviiaa sswiiftft MTT760 wiitthiin 2 worrkkiingg daayyss.. Performance Bond // Guarante e Procedure Avaiill Performance Bond // Gua rantee Now Performance Bond // Guarante e Viideo Youtube Vimeo Metacafe Not able to view video in slide? Watch Here Avaiill Performance Bond // Gua rantee Now Performance Bond // Guarante e Proviider Do you require Performance Guarantee or Performance Bond to guarantee your performance? Avail Performance Bond /Guarantee from Bronze Wing Trading! We provide Performance Bond Guarantee on behalf of your company from rated European Banks without blocking your cash funds & without obtaining any financial collateral from your end! By Choosing Us, You’ll Get:-  Fast & prompt response  Deal close within 48 banking hours  Partnered with good repute banks  Complete guidance & follow-up Contact Us Facebook [email protected] Twitter 00971-4-5519699 Linkedin Office 3002, 30th Floor, YouTube Aspect Tower, Executive Towers- D, Al-Sa'ada Street,  Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Get Free Quote Now