Karunn Kandoi on #CNBC-Africa speaking on EdTech


Uploaded on Feb 4, 2020

Category Education

Are we at the cusp of an educational revolution? Can this decade bring 100% literacy world-over? 10 years ago the answer to this question was 'maybe' but today it is a definite 'yes'. The decade that we just left behind witnessed substantial changes in terms of technology and infrastructure world-over. Basic requirements to impart education has changed from books and buildings to internet and devices. This 3 year old video of an interaction with Arnold at #CNBC-Africa summarizes the challenges of the last decade that we overcame successfully. An all-time low cost of devices and high penetration of internet is ensuring the accessibility of the best quality of education. Committed EdTech companies like #Extramarks are working tirelessly to create localized and personalized digital learning solutions. We are committed to transform education into a personalized learning experience, unique to every child. Machine Learning and AI combined with the expertise of educators will enable every child to learn as they wish. Thanks to learners, educators, technologists and enablers of education, for a wonderful 2010-2019. Wishing you a Happy 2020 and a new decade. Let us take a pledge to create data driven, uniquely customized learning solutions for every child. By Karunn Kandoi Director of Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd.

Category Education



Karunn Kandoi on #CNBC-Africa speaking on EdTech

Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd Karunn Kandoi on #CNBC-Africa speaking on EdTech Are we at the cusp of an educational revolution? Can this decade bring 100% literacy world-over? 10 years ago the answer to this question was 'maybe' but today it is a definite 'yes'. The decade that we just left behind witnessed substantial changes in terms of technology and infrastructure world-over. Basic requirements to impart education has changed from books and buildings to internet and devices. This 3 year old video of an interaction with Arnold at #CNBC-Africa summarizes the challenges of the last decade that we overcame successfully. An all-time low cost of devices and high penetration of internet is ensuring the accessibility of the best quality of education. Committed EdTech companies like # Extramarks are working tirelessly to create localized and personalized digital learning solutions. We are committed to transform education into a personalized learning experience, unique to every child. Machine Learning and AI combined with the expertise of educators will enable every child to learn as they wish. Thanks to learners, educators, technologists and enablers of education, for a wonderful 2010-2019. Wishing you a Happy 2020 and a new decade. Let us take a pledge to create data driven, uniquely customized learning solutions for every child. Karunn Kandoi on #CNBC-Africa speaking on EdTech Get More Details Visit:- LinkedIn: - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/karunn-kandoi-830358_educ ationalrevolution-literacyforall-cnbc-activity-6620200678327 447552-bZhs/ YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt2ITUTr4hI