Karunn Kandoi - Director at Extramarks Education India


Uploaded on May 7, 2020

Category Education

Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Karunn Kandoi founded his first company in 2006 named Shree Eduserve Private Limited and later he established, "FOCUS" an academy for spoken English and personality development. After successfully running Shree Eduserve Pvt. Ltd. for 7 years he joined Extramarks, as President Global Business in 2012.

Category Education



Karunn Kandoi - Director at Extramarks Education India

Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Biography Young and dynamiic Karunn Kandoii has an exttremelly iintterestiting and nottewortthy lliiffe.. Despiitte a modestt begiinniing,, att a very young age,, he has attttaiined excellllentt proffessiionall success and reputtatition.. Att tthiis young age,, he has allready worked wiitth tthe giiantts lliike GE,, Phiilliips Mediicall Systtems and Miicrosoftft and lleftft a memorablle iimpressiion tthere.. Presenttlly,, he iis tthe Diirecttor off Skiillll Devellopmentt and Traiiniing off an onlliine educatition company,, Exttramarks Educatition Priivatte Liimiitted and has emerged as a tthoughtt lleader iin tthe new age llearniing metthods.. Born iin Cuttack,, Oriissa to Shree Gopall Kandoii and Kusum Kandoii on 22 JJanuary 1978,,  Karunn Kandoii  bellongs to a very humblle background.. IIn 1982,, the famiilly moved to JJaiipur,, and that brought about a huge change iin Karunn’’s lliife.. After complletiing hiis schoolliing from TPS JJaiipur,, he went ahead and got an Engiineeriing Degree iin iinstrumentatiion and ellectroniics from BIIT Bangallore.. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Further Education and Accomplishments Beiing an achiiever and an allll-rounder, he not onlly partiiciipated iin many events iin the collllege, but allso was chosen as a member of the Pllacement Cellll for the collllege,, where he got an excellllent opportuniity to gaiin knowlledge and experiience. IIn 1999 to iimprove hiis skiilllls, he took up a course iin Pllacement Process of Reengiineeriing (PPR) that was beiing conducted by a renowned organiizatiion named PESIIT (Bangallore).. Around the same tiime,, he started hellpiing hiis unclle iin managiing a company named Swastiik Marblles,, due to hiis unmatched efforts thiis company that had started off wiith jjust $10000 grew to a $300,,000 worth company. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. The Achievements After the complletiion of hiis engiineeriing degree iin 2000, he jjoiined the GE Mediicall Bangallore (Generall Ellectriic Mediicall system) as a Qualliity and Confifiguratiion Management Lead and Desiign Engiineer. Soon, Karunn Kandoii won praiise iin the company for showiing hiis tallent iin desiigniing an automated testiing modulle. He allso got the prestiigiious GE’s Clliiniicall excellllence award and won the honorablle certiificatiion of Siix Siigma Green Bellt. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. IIn 2001, Karunn deciided to go for further educatiion and jjoiined the Uniiversiity of Washiington for MBA. Hiis educatiion was totalllly sellf-funded, and he assiisted the uniiversiity as an assiistant teacher and was awarded the best teachiing certiificate iin hiis tenure. After the 3rd quarter of hiis MBA, he jjoiined Phiilliips Mediicall Systems as a Corporate IIntern and the same company offered hiim a jjob as a Marketiing Manager the year he complleted hiis MBA iin 2004. Here too, allll he got was success and accollades; he was responsiiblle for re- engiineeriing the firms’ marketiing strategy for the entiire North Ameriica and lled to 50% iincrease iin the market share iin the $100 miilllliion vascullar surgery equiipment. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. IIt’s noteworthy to mentiion that whiille stiillll iin MBA, Karunn allong wiith 4 other friiends conceptualliized a busiiness calllled Complliianz IInc.. The aiim of thiis busiiness was to siimplliify the process of FDA approvalls iin the US and to allllow the biiomediicall companiies for devellopiing the iinternatiionalllly complliiant products for the rapiidlly expandiing glloball market whiille siimulltaneouslly reduciing the tiime to the market.. IIn the year 2005,, he got an offer to jjoiin Miicrosoft Corporatiion as the posiitiion of Product manager for MSN search. Hiis efforts at MSN lled to consiiderablle iincrementall revenue of $12 Miilllliion iin FY05 through better monetiizatiion. Further, he lled the audiits for understandiing MSN searches, iinternall busiiness reportiing system and market share.. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Return to India IIn 2005, he got marriied to hiis soull mate and iin the year end returned to IIndiia for good. Beiing an achiiever and a viisiionary, he soon llaunched an educatiionall organiizatiion calllled Focus, whiich aiimed at the career assessment of chiilldren and Spoken Englliish cllasses. The company grew exponentiialllly, and by the year 2009 iit was spread to over 10 states and had 70 offices iin diifferent llocatiions allll over IIndiia. Karunn Kandoii iis currentlly the Diirector of Skiillll Devellopment and Traiiniing busiiness at Extramarks Educatiion. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Karunn Kandoi Director at Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Linkedin Profile - https://www.lliinkediin.com/iin/karunn-kandoii-830358/ Websites – shreeeduserve.com focus4future.com shiiksha-abroad.com