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Get the best bonding agents from Dubai at Mapei and get the branded manufacturing items in Dubai

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BEST BONDING AGENTS IN UAE C O N C R E T E U S E S B O N D I N G A G E N T S T O A T T A C H R E I N F O R C E M E N T O R T H E O T H E R S U R F A C E I T I S A F F I X E D T O . T H I S I S U S E D T O U N I T E T H E C O N S E C U T I V E L A Y E R S O F C O N C R E T E A N D T O F I X V A R I O U S A P P L I C A T I O N S , S U C H A S A T T A C H I N G N E W C O N C R E T E T O E X I S T I N G C O N C R E T E . T H E B O N D S T R E N G T H I S S T R E N G T H E N E D A S A R E S U LT . EPORIP Two-component, solvent-free epoxy adhesive for monolithic sealing cracked screeds. WHERE TO USE: • Monolithic construction joints between fresh and hardened concrete. • Bonding precast concrete elements. • Bonding steel to concrete. • Filling cracks in concrete. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: comp. A: fluid paste; comp. B: fluid paste. Colours: comp. A: black; comp. B: white. Mixing ratio: comp. A : comp. B = 3 : 1. Setting time: 24 hours. Workability time: 60 minutes. REACH US Plot no. 597-191 - Dubai Investments Park 2, 73869, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone +971 4 815 6666 ADESILEX PG4 Two-component, thixotropic epoxy adhesive with modified rheology for bonding MAPEBAND, MAPEBAND TPE, PVC strips and Hypalon and for structural bonds. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio: comp. A : comp. B = 3 : 1. Pot life of mix: 70 minutes (at +23°C). Minimum applicable thickness: 1-2 mm. Maximum applicable thickness: 1 cm per layer. Classification: EN 1504-4. Storage: 24 months. Application: trowel. Consumption: 1.60-1.65 kg/m² per mm of thickness. Packaging: 2 kg kits: – 1.5 kg drums (comp. A); MAPETHERM AR2 Single component cementitious mortar for bonding and smoothing o thermal insulating panels and insulation cladding systems TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: powder. Colour: grey. Density of the mix: 1.45 Application temperature range: from +5°C to +45°C. Mixing ratio: 20-22% with water (by weight). Storage: 12 months. Application: trowel. Consumption (kg/m²): – 2.0-4.0 kg/m² spot bonding – 4.0-6.0 kg/m² according to the bonding technique used; – 1.4-1.6 per mm of thickness when used as smoothing compound (recommended: approx. 4 mm in 2 coats). Packaging: 25 kg.