PU moisture block in Dubai from Mapei
PU MOISTURE BLOCK IN DUBAI FROM MAPEI I F Y O U ' R E L O O K I N G F O R B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L M A N U F A C T U R E R S I N D U B A I . M A P E I I S T H E N A M E Y O U C A N T R U S T . P U C O N C R E T E F L O O R I N G S H E L P S T O P R O V I D E A M A T T F I N I S H A N D M O R E I N S E N S I T I V E T O M O I S T U R E I N T H E B A S E O F T H E C O N C R E T E F L O O R S U R F A C E SEE THE PRODUCTS WHICH HELPS THIS PROCESS FROM MAPEI BIBLOCK • Two-component, epoxy curing compound in water dispersion, with consolidating and anti-dust properties. • Biblock is a transparent, epoxy impregnation product, which is particularly recommended to guarantee good curing of concrete used for laying industrial floors, access ramps, runways, canals, storage tanks, etc. • To function correctly, Biblock must be applied on concrete which is still fresh. TRIBLOCK P • Three-component epoxy-cementitious primer for non- absorbent waterproofing damp substrates. • TECHNICAL DATA: • Consistency: comp. A liquid; comp. B liquid; comp. C powder. • Colours: comp. A white; comp. B white; comp. C white. • Mixing ratio: comp. A : comp. B : comp. C = 12 : 38 : 50. • Workability time: 30-40 minutes. • Waiting time between first and second coat: 4-6 hours. TRIBLOCK FINISH • Three-component, epoxy-cementitious mortar for smoothing damp substrates. • TECHNICAL DATA: • Maximum dimension of aggregate: 0.25 mm. • Mixing ratio: • comp. A : comp. B : comp. C = 4.8 : 15.2 : 80. • Pot life of mix: 40 minutes (at +23°C). • Minimum applicable thickness: 1 mm. • Maximum applicable thickness: 3 mm per layer (up to 5 mm on limited areas). Plot no. 597-191 - Dubai Investments Park 2, 73869, Dubai, United Arab Emirates +971 4 815 6666 [email protected]