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Download Valid 1Z0-1046 Practice Q&A for Oracle 1Z0-1046 Practice Test Dumps Preparation With 100% Money Back Guarantee - RealExamDumps

Oracle 1z0-1046 Dumps Ora c le G l o b a l H u m a n R esources Cloud 2019 Implementation Essentials For More Info: Question: 1 A manager checks the availability of a worker. The manager is not aware that the worker does not have a work schedule assigned. Which of the three items will be used to determine the availability of a worker? (Choose three.) A. Calendar Events B. Absences C. Standard Working Hours D. Time Sheet E. Contract Data Answer: A B C Question: 2 An employee accesses their Personal Information work area and wants to create his personal payment method. On navigating to the link, the employee sees that the ‘Create’ icon is disabled and is unable to create their personal payment method. The employee raises a service request to troubleshoot this issue. What are the two options the Analyst supporting the service request should look at for the root cause? (Choose two.) A. The employee does not have a valid payment method. B. The employee does not have a payroll relationship associated. C. The Payroll Definition does not have a Valid Payment Method assigned. D. The elements are not defined. Answer: B C Question: 3 An organization is running a fitness program. They want to identify a Fitness Representative who will be responsible for a group of people in the organization. How should you set this up? A. Create a new job Fitness Representative and associate that to the person. B. Define the person’s area of responsibility to reflect Fitness Representative. C. Deploy a Descriptive Flexfield to capture the information. D. Deploy a Key Flexfield to capture the information. Answer: B Question: 4 A manager returned from US Subsidiary after a period of 3 months to his source location of UK Subsidiary. Which is the option a Human Resource representative should exercise to re-instate the manager’s records in the source legal employer? A. Create another assignment with the return date as the effective date. B. Entering the return will automatically re-instate the record on the return date. C. Deploy a Descriptive Flexfiled to capture the return date. Update this segment with the actual return date to reinstate the record. D. Initiate the End Global Temporary Assignment action and specify a return date. The global temporary assignment is terminated and the assignment’s in the source legal employer are reinstated automatically on the return date. Answer: D Question: 5 While promoting an employee in the system, it is required that the HR Specialist is able to see the name of the next three jobs the employee can progress to in the list of values contained in the Job field. Which setup meets this requirement? A. Descriptive flex fields must be defined to hold Progression Job Information. B. Benchmark all the jobs in the system. C. Progression Job Information must be defined during job creation. D. Job Evaluation criteria must be set up during job creation. E. Create an appropriate job set. Answer: C Question: 6 You are a human resource specialist and a workflow request is showing in your worklist notification even after you approved it (sent it to the second level approver). What are three possible causes of this behavior? (Choose three.) A. The second level approver might have approved the request. B. The second level approver might have rejected the request. C. The second level approver might have reassigned the request. D. The second level approver might have executed a pushback on the request. E. The second level approver might have opted for an adhoc route. Answer: C D E Question: 7 Which three options are true about the Global Person model? (Choose three.) A. Person records are global, independent of legal employers, and created only once for any person. If the person leaves the enterprise, the person’s work relationships are terminated. B. Person records continue to exist even when the person has no current work relationships in the enterprise and no current contact relationships with other workers. C. Person records cease to exist when a person is terminated from an organization. D. Person records hold information that is personal, such as name, date of birth, and disability information, or that may apply to more than one work relationship, such as national ID. E. Person records are auto-archived two years after a person is terminated from an organization. Answer: A B D Question: 8 There has been a re-organization requiring all the employees of Department A to be moved to Department B. Which option will enable this activity to be addressed in a single request? A. Run the Refresh Manager Hierarchy process. B. Run the Synchronize Person Records process. C. Run the Mass Update process. D. Run the Send Pending LDAP Requests process. Answer: C Question: 9 A static approval group named “Trio” comprises three members – Jacob, Susan, and Dia (in the mentioned order). For all the Manage Employment transactions, the approval should be routed to the “Trio” approval group. When the assignment change transaction is submitted, what is the order in which these members receive the assignment change approval notification? A. System decides the approval route by randomly selecting approvers who are a part of the approval group. B. First Approver – Dia, Second Approver – Susan, Third Approval – Jacob C. All three get the notification at the same time. D. First Approver – Jacob, Second Approver – Susan, Third Approver – Dia E. The approval is routed alphabetically. Answer: D Question: 10 As an Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud implementation consultant, you are configuring an enterprise structure for an organization that has undergone major restructuring. The client wants you to make multiple versions of the enterprise structure so that they can decide on a final one that suits them based on proper analysis and comparison. What should you do to meet this requirement of the client? A. Design the enterprise structure by using individual tasks available for each of the organizations and keep changing it until the final structure is agreed upon. B. Create and load one enterprise structure at a time through Establish Enterprise Structure, analyze the structure and, if it does not suit the client, use the rollback option before creating another structure. C. Configure multiple enterprise structures by using the Establish Enterprise Structure guided flow. Analyze and compare them by using the configuration review pages, including the Technical Summary Report, before loading the final one. D. Configure multiple enterprise structures and load all of them simultaneously so that analysis and comparison can be done. Answer: C