Uploaded on Jun 18, 2019
Folks often ask me ‘How to make Moonshine.’ It is not rocket science, but there’s definitely a lot to consider. Here are 5 of the most crucial safety issues that every moonshiner should know and understand. Just visit : https://bit.ly/2HzoAoD
How to Distill Alcohol 5 Most Important Safety Tips for the Moonshiners
How to Distill Alcohol: 5 Most Important Safety Tips for tMheo oMnosohnisnhein ersstills and whiskey stills are distillers that have been designed specifically for making moonshine or Mdiostoinllisnhgin ael csothilolsl. aTnhde yw choimskee yi ns tai llvs araireet y distillers tohf adte shiagvnes abnede ns izdeess.i gSnoe dif ysopue caifirec anlleyw f otor making mdisotoilnlisnhgi,n ech ooor sdinisgt itllhineg r igahlcto ehqoul.i pTmheeyn t ctoom e in a vgaerti estyta ortfe dde sciagnn s baen do sviezrews.h eSlom iifn gyo. uT ahree new to dbiessttil lwinhgi,s kcehyo sotsiilnlsg arteh em aridgeh tf roemqu cipomppeenrt to get sotra rtsetda inclaens s bes toeveel rwbheeclamuisneg . bThoteh beasrte whiskey setffilelsc tiavree hmeaadt e cofrnodmu ctcoorpsp earn do r dsot ainnolet ss steel balelocwau hsea rbmoftuhl acrhee mefficeacltsiv teo hgeeat ti ncfiolntrdautcet oinrs and do nthoet dailslotiwll ehda srmpifruitl. c hemicals to get infiltrate in the distilled spirit. moonshine-still.co There are a lot of things to consider when making your own moonshine. However, the first and foremost thing to consider is – SAFETY. Comes with: •1" drain valve •carrying handles •1.5" filler neck with tri clamp cap •3" column connection •Heavy duty 3" copper column with stainless liebig condenser •Top quality construction with beautifully rounded curves •Built from heavy gauge 304 food grade stainless steel. •Polished to a mirror finish inside and out •Thermo port and commercial grade moonshine-still.co thermometer with a 3" face $547.85 Use Proper Distillation Equipment Make sure you only use a pure 100% food grade copper ‘moonshine’ still assembled with lead-free solder or stainless steel still made from 304 stainless steel. Never Distill Indoor Never operate moonshine still indoor. Even the most experienced moonshiners at times encounter dangerous situations that they have not planned for when distilling indoor. So when it comes to location, keep in mind this one simple rule: always distill outdoor! Control Alcohol Vapor A leaky moonshine still can let your precious wash to drip onto the ground, wasting your time and money invested in brewing it up. Even worse, this could allow explosive alcohol vmapooro ntos ehscianpe.- sAtlwilaly.sc oremember that alcohol vapor is potentially very dangerous and highly explosive, so, you need to be very cautious while distilling it. Moonshine Still with a 3" Copper and Stainless Column Never Leave A Still Unattended : An unattended still can be highly dangerous. So when planning for a distilling session, make sure to calculate how long it is going to consume the time to run the batch. Always Discard the “Foreshots” : $547.85 One of the potential mhaozoarnds haisnseoc-isateildl .wcoith making and drinking moonshine is producing or getting a hold of a batch that’s laced with methanol. $$14,37300.8.288 Moonshine still is in the business for over a long year building and selling moonshine and alcohol distillers. We very well understand what the first time consumers want, so we have put together a complete still kit to help take the guesswork out. They are great for preppers. You can use them to extract medicinal oils from plants, make beverage ethanol, make antiseptic, and distill water. $ 470.88 If you’re in search of the moonshine still that you can pass down to $1,330.28 generations, shop with us today. moonshine-still.co $$14,37300.8.288 CHoCnR Btoax 3c2t9A ,u s Doniphan, MO 63935 USA Phone No : (417) 778-6100 Mail Id : paul@distillery- equipment.com Website : moonshine- still.co moonshine-still.co