10 food you should avoid during pregnancy


Uploaded on Mar 30, 2020

10 food you should avoid during pregnancy. Visit, https://www.cordlifeindia.com/



10 food you should avoid during pregnancy

10 Food You Should Avoid during Pregnancy  1. Fish and Seafood:  Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that must be part of your diet because it helps in the growth of the baby’s brain.  You only need to be more careful when eating fish during pregnancy. 2. Eggplant:    A big no – no during pregnancy, however, because they can be infected with salmonella, a type of bacteria that causes diarrhoea and vomiting.  However, having them in little amounts once in a while should not pose an issue. 3. Milk and its Products:  For your child’s proper development, it is extremely important that you consume milk on a daily and regular basis.    It provides important nutrients such as minerals, calcium, and proteins to you and your baby. But make sure you only eat pasteurized milk.  4. Sesame Seeds:  Dry sesame seeds were earlier used as a medicine for causing abortion. Sesame seeds stimulate the uterine muscle thus causing an expulsion of the fertilized ovum.  It is advisable to avoid it during the first three to four crucial months of pregnancy. 5.  Papaya: There are papayas in the fruits not to be eaten during pregnancy. In fact, papayas are on the list of natural foods in some cultures to avoid pregnancy and are thought to cause miscarriages.  It is advised by the nutritionists and experts to strictly avoid unripe papaya during pregnancy. 6. Ajinomoto:  This is a preferred cuisine of the people of India but it is not very beneficial healthwise.  Ajinomoto can majorly affect the development of the brain in the fetus. Hence, it is advised to avoid its consumption to a large extent to protect the growth of the baby. 7. Pineapple:  Pineapple contains an compound called bromelain, which can cause softening of the cervix leading to unsuccessful labour to miscarriage.  It is believed that pineapple can get your body heated up rapidly which can cause abortion or premature birth. 8. Fennel Seeds:  You can use small quantity of these ingredients for taste but eating it consistently in large amount is a big no-no.   These seeds contain high measures of phytoestrogens, which fortifies the compression of the uterine.  9. Refined Flour Products:  Attempt and maintain a strategic distance from items made of refined flour like bread, noodles, pasta, pita, cookies, pizza, etc.  chemicals to build their time span of usability which can harm the growing baby. 10. Grapes: Pregnant women should keep away from grapes particularly amid the last phases of conception as they additionally are found to hike up your body temperature prompting undesirable complexities. Over usage of grapes has additionally been connected to stomach related problems and difficulties. 10 Food You Should Avoid during Pregnancy   Source:  https://www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/foods-avoided-pregnancy/  https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/10-foods-you-should-strictly-avoid-during-pre gnancy-1734597