Uploaded on Apr 17, 2020
Whenever the treatment gets failed doctors often recommend the patient family to do stem cell transplant. In contrast to bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells, embryonic stem cells in cord blood are young and immature and still did not know the way to attack foreign bodies. As the cord blood stem cells are less likely to reject the transfusion, it is easier to match transplant patients with cord blood than with other stem cell sources. This makes the umbilical cord blood a valuable resource for the ethnic minorities those who faces difficulty in finding matched stem cell in the registry of bone marrow donor. On a concluding note it can be said that the stem cell banking in India will be beneficial for patients those who are suffering from untreatable diseases.
How Much Beneficial is the Stem Cell Preservation!!!
How Much Beneficial is the Stem Cell Preservation!!! Stem Cell Preservation The blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the delivery of baby is known as the cord blood. The cord blood is a rich source of stem cells that can be collected by a painless method. Cord blood banking is the method by which the cord blood is collected and its stem cells and other cells of the immune system extracted and cryogenically frozen for medical use in future. Benefits of Stem Cells 1. Cord blood is currently recommended for the treatment of nearly 80 blood and immune diseases. 2. Cord blood has an ample number of stem cells and cells of the immune system which are nowadays expanded rapidly for medical use. Cord blood is often known as a regenerative medicine because these cells help the body regenerate tissues and systems. Benefits of Stem Cells 3. If somebody does not have stored the cord blood, they will have to depend from another source on stem cells. Bone marrow contains similar versions of the same stem cells that are abundant in cord blood, though less useful and probably contaminated. 4. As the cord blood stem cells are less likely to reject the transfusion, it is easier to match transplant patients with cord blood than with other stem cell sources. Future of Banking Currently the clinical trials have proved that more than 80 diseases can be treated by the stem cells. The diseases are: 1. Cancer which includes Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma and Retinolastoma. Future of Banking 2. Blood disorders including different types of Anaemia, Genetic Red Blood Cells Abnormalities, Platelet Abnormalities and many others. Future of Banking 3. Metabolic disorders that comprises of Leukodystrophy Disorders, Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Mucopolysaccharidosis Storage Diseases, etc. Future of Banking 4. Different types of Immune disorders of the system and organs of the body. In addition, the umbilical cord is a source which provides stem cells of all the three cell lines. For example, hematopoietic cell line, mesenchymal cell line and epithelial cell line. Important Notes: Cord blood from the umbilical cor d of a baby is always a perfect match of the baby. Moreover, immediate family members are might also get a match from the baby’s stem cells. Siblings have a 25% chance to be a perfect match and a 50% chance to be a partial match. Each of the parents provides half the markers have a 100% chance to be a partial match. Even grandparents and other relatives might have a chance to get a match and can get benefit from the cord blood that is banked. References: https://www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/much-b eneficial-stem-cell-preservation/ https://www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/future-b anking-neonates-cord-blood /