Uploaded on Apr 8, 2020
In case of an emergency care must be given to the mother and the baby rather than collecting blood from the newborn for cord blood banking. The reason behind is the motto of the doctors is first to take care about the health of the mother and the baby and reduce the risk of their life.
Cord Blood Collection & Preservation (1)
C O R D B L O O D C O L L E C T I O N & P R E S E R V A T I O N G U I D E CORD BLOOD COLLECTION & PRESERVATION GUIDE Firstly clamp and cut the baby’s umbilical cord within 5 to 10 minutes CORD BLOOD COLLECTION & PRESERVATION GUIDE Secondly, collect the umbilical cord and safely pack that umbilical cord blood in collection kit. CORD BLOOD COLLECTION & PRESERVATION GUIDE Third step is send the collected cord blood to the laboratory within 24 hour processing and process for cryopreservation CORD BLOOD COLLECTION & PRESERVATION GUIDE Fourth step is tests are conducted to evaluate sample quality CORD BLOOD COLLECTION & PRESERVATION GUIDE Fifth step is with the help of patented AXP II technologies the cord blood is processed to yield stem cells CORD BLOOD COLLECTION & PRESERVATION GUIDE Sixth Step is the stem cells are stored in vapour phase liquid nitrogen storage for cryopreservation at below -190C SOURCE: • https://www.cordlifeindia.com/cord-blood-collection-pres ervation • https://www.cordlifeindia.com/storage-process