Uploaded on Apr 11, 2020
With some of the advanced technology such as cord blood collected after childbirth, stem cell isolation, processing of stem cells and newer applications using these stored stem cells has made stem cell banking a promising proposition to safeguard the health of not only the child but also the entire family. Visit, https://www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/stem-cells-saving-today-saving-tomorrow/
Stem Cells – Saving Today Saving Tomorrow
STEM CELLS – SAVING TODAY SAVING TOMORROW Stem cell banking company STEM CELLS BANKING with people being increasingly afflicted by blood and immune system disorders, it is time to take a serious look at stem cell banking and how stem cells may change outcomes in disease prevention and treatment. Stem cells are found in blood in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of the baby. Since the umbilical cord is the direct connection between mother and baby during pregnancy, the blood present in it is rich in stem cells that can be harvested for future use. Stem cells are used to treat over 80 diseases, and they may be taken from donors in the immediate family or a suitable anonymous match. WHY STEM CELL BANKING? Banking stem cells provides a reliable backup solution for future health issues that your baby may face. Cord blood cells are viable for use even after years have elapsed after collection, and by their very nature, they are less likely to cause a rejection during transplants because they seldom attack foreign substances, the way stem cells from bone marrow may. Cord blood is the blood in your baby's umbilical cord. It contains stem cells that can grow into blood vessels, organs, and tissues. Your baby's cord blood can be collected at birth and stored for future use. ADVANTAGES OF SAVING STEM CELLS 1. Save lives without hassle – The umbilical cord which connects the mother and the baby also nourishes the baby in the womb. The cord and the blood inside it can be easily collected at the time of birth once the baby is separated. It is a safe and painless procedure and does not pose any risk either to the baby or the mother. ADVANTAGES OF SAVING STEM CELLS 2. Cord blood transplant is regarded as a standard treatment for around 80 life- threatening disorders like lymphoma, leukemia and myeloma. A perfect match is a perfect chance of saving you – Your baby’s cryopreserved cord blood stem cells will be a perfect match for your baby and also a ready source of genetically related stem cells for immediate family members. ADVANTAGES OF SAVING STEM CELLS 3. Stem cells are known to replicate and renew themselves as well as differentiate and multiply into different types of cells. This unique ability to regenerate and repair damaged parts of the body has helped to create a potential treatment option of regenerative medicine. Cord blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells which can be easily collected, processed and cryopreserved. Banking these precious stem cells at the time of birth offers a life- saving treatment option; if ever required in the future. With some of the advanced technology such as cord blood collect ed after childbirth, stem cell isolation, processing of stem cells and newer applications using these stored stem cells has made stem cell banking a promising proposition to safeguard the health of not only the child but also the entire family. REFERENCES https://www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/stem-cell-banking-goo d-option-or-not/ https://www.babycenter.com/0_cord-blood-banking-what- it-is-why-consider-it_1362261.bc#articlesection3 https://www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/stem-cells-saving-toda y-saving-tomorrow/