What Are Custom Built Industrial Process Fans?
What Are Custom Built Industrial Process Fans? Neel Rao Writes on industrial fan manufacturers & Reitzindia industrial fan manufacturers. Standard industrial process fan models are ready-made. In the era where energy efficiency is a major concern, just how effectively does a standard fan fit the unique application of a manufacturing plant process? One size does not fit all! For best performance and greatest efficiency, the industrial process fan must be custom-built based on the specific needs and application. It is easy enough to go into a clothing store and buy a new set of clothes. There are dozens of standard fit clothes to try. But for a truly great fit, that set of clothes requires to be customized and when it’s done right, the transformation can be sensational. The same philosophy applies to industrial process fans. Industrial process fans have a number of standard ranges, from small to large, providing for various pressure and volume ratios, whatever is required for the industrial process fan application. Fans may be readily available but will they fulfill their purpose reliably and efficiently? A fan that’s too small won’t work at all in a certain application. The next standard size up may be more than big enough for working in a certain application but at what cost over the life of the fan. The excess energy costs alone double or triple the lifetime costs of the industrial process fan. The right solution is a custom-built industrial process fan, they can be built for reliability, long life, right material, cost efficiency, and low power consumption according to the needs of the application. In addition, the modification of the fan can be done to meet specific application needs such as cyclical speed changes, abrupt temperature change, zero leakage construction, etc. Some of the examples of custom-built industrial process fans are portable fan units, double stage fans for very high pressure, filtration fan units for combustion, water-jacketed fan, and multi vapor compression fan Certain types of environments require a certain fan, hence industrial process fans are custom built which is made to work as per the demand. The fan can be customized by choosing any of the various accessories and construction materials available. The custom-built fan will give you optimal value, performance, safety, and control. Various options of fans are available which include sizes, finishes, arrangements, frequencies, voltages, materials, accessories, motor types, and pricing. These options can be compared and a perfect fit is identified using different inputs like inlet air density, fan static pressure, volumetric flow rate, and intended fan duty. Custom industrial process fans are those that are factory modified and applied for a specific application or function. For the best solution for attaining the desired outcome from the industrial process fan, all possible fan configurations are taken into account, in terms of mounting alternatives, fan performance, space restraint, material preferences, as well as inlet and outlet discharge range. To extend the life of the fan without compromising performance, alterations to the inlet, outlet, fan wheel, supports, housing, and other changes are typically instituted. Standard fans are not always the best fans, there are many processes where operating conditions are not suitable for standard fans. Therefore, industrial process fans need to be custom-built to match the unique application and demands of the industry. About REITZINDIA Reitz India has set a benchmark to deliver high quality fans for heavy duty industries which can work at precise operating conditions like high temperatures and pressures. Reitz offer idealistic Centrifugal Fan and Centrifugal blower design that can be used in all large scale process industries like cement, iron & steel, power plants, fertilizers/ chemicals and more. Thank you for spending your precious time in reading this article!