Generally, various types of centrifugal fans are used in manufacturing plants especially those having furnaces or boilers to provide air necessary for combustion, fuel to the burners, transmit the gases for better heat movement and extract exhaust fumes.
IMPLEMENTATION OF ID-FD FANS IN THE INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING SECTOR Neel Rao Writes on Reitz India's PA fans and SA fans & Induced draft fans and forced draft fans from Reitz india Generally, various types of centrifugal fans are used in manufacturing plants especially those having furnaces or boilers to provide air necessary for combustion, fuel to the burners, transmit the gases for better heat movement and extract exhaust fumes. Based upon the boiler measurement and airflow requisition, various types industrial process fans are used with varied potentialities, such as draught fans and other process fans. As mentioned earlier, draught fans play a significant role in the large manufacturing plants having furnaces or boilers. The induced draught(ID) and forced draught (FD) fans are essential to ensure the flow of gases through the boiler system. There are two categories of draught fans (forced draught fans and induced draught fans) applied in the power plants. Forced draught fans used in a power plant are centrifugal fans. Forced draught fans provide the air essential for fuel combustion by forcing air through the combustion air supply method into the heater. Forced draught fans called pressure blowers, or FD fans concentrate on the pressure and volume at the outlet of the fan to move air through a process. It creates positive air pressure. There is one major difference between the two major types of industrial process fans i.e. ID and FD fans. A forced draft (FD) fan compels outside air into the healing process whereas an induced draught (ID) fan draws exhaust from the process out into the atmosphere. Both FD fan and ID fan control in a way that stabilizes the air system in the boiler to create the combustion method systematically. Application of ID-FD fans In power plants, where coal is applied as fuel for combustion, FD fans are used as primary air fans to manage the right combustion and enlarge the competence of the fuel. An average FD fan setting uses inlet and outlet obstacles to manage and balance the necessary air enforcement inside the system. Induced draft fans can control warm smoke ducts. They have extra decomposition applied to dielectric precipitators. Draught Fans (ID) exhaust all gaseous combustion materials or smoke ducts from the boiler, through a dust collector and provide it to the chimney into the open aerosphere. The induced draught fan is located above the bundle, producing negative air pressure to draw the air through to the next step of the system, which could be another implementation like a dryer or an air treatment system for pollution control. It also acts as the exhaust to the outside air. These fans are applied in different industry verticals for better and burnished functioning of the machines that supply higher productiveness and unblemished manufacturing. Such exclusive fans absorb less power. Therefore, the electricity bill becomes lesser. Industries can store a lot of energy. So, the overheads are hugely reduced. These fans make low noise. Thus, low noise decreases noise pollution and incidentally assists in enhancing working conditions among workers. Therefore, productivity is improved, which creates better profits for the industrial organization. Such ID and FD fans have a long bearing life, which means that there is again an economical benefit on this count, by preventing interruptions and down time due to maintenance works to replace bearings and ensures economy in manufacturing the products. About REITZINDIA Reitz India has set a benchmark to deliver high quality fans for heavy duty industries which can work at precise operating conditions like high temperatures and pressures. Reitz offer idealistic Centrifugal Fan and Centrifugal blower design that can be used in all large scale process industries like cement, iron & steel, power plants, fertilizers/ chemicals and more. Thank you for spending your precious time in reading this article!