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Company Registration in Bulgaria
COMPANY REGISTRATION IN BULGARIA INCORPORATION IN BULGARIA Bulgaria has a strategic location, allowing investors to access the entire EU and the markets of central and Eastern Europe. Bulgaria has a predictable and stable economy and government. It boasts the lowest corporation tax in the EU at only 10%, and is even 0% in areas of high unemployment. ADVANTAGES OF INCORPORATING IN BULGARIA Can be incorporated within Minimum paid up 2 weeks. share capital 1 Minimum paid up share Euro Incorpo- capital is 1 Euro. Lowest Labour ration Costs within 2 Lowest labour costs in weeks Europe. Advant- Availability of skilled ages workers. Skilled Member of workers European Member of EU, thus, giving available Union access to 500 mn. market. Tax holidays Tax holidays up to 5 years up to 5 years available. DISADVANTAGES OF INCORPORATING IN BULGARIA Small domestic market. Small 2nd most corrupt country Domestic Market of EU. Below par infra- Corruption Tough to obtain structure construction permits. Disadva Below par infrastructure n- tages and energy sector. Tough to get High crime constructio rate High-crime rate. n permits Unmaintai Inadequate maintenance n- ed water of water reservoirs. reservoirs TYPES OF COMPANIES SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION IN BULGARIA Bulgaria is a great Manufac place for the formation - turing of a manufacturing company. Bulgaria is a good Suitable Compani place to establish es trade with Russia. Trading Compan Marketin g It is also a great place y for marketing, as it is a member of EU. FEATURES OF AN LLC Bulgaria boasts the lowest corporate tax rate in Europe at just 10%. Founders of a Limited Company in Bulgaria can be local, foreign individuals or legal entities. Very low capitalization requirement – BGN 2 (Approx. Euro 1), formed by the shares of its shareholders. Min. Authorized Capital of 5000 BGN 1 BGN To Registered Be Paid Up Office In Bulgaria Requiremen Before Registratio ts For n Establishing An LLC VAT Is Obligatory Visit To For Bulgaria Companies May Be Exceeding Required 75000 BGN REQUIREMENTS OF LLC Minimum authorized capital is BGN 5,000. At least BGN 1 must be paid up before registration. A visit to Bulgaria may be required dependent on the activity of the new company and where the ultimate beneficial owners are based. A registered office address in Bulgaria is required. VAT is obligatory once a Bulgarian company’s turnover exceeds 75000BGN. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION Step 1: Name of the Company You must pick a name of the company which will identify your venture on the market as well as before government institutions. Certain name parameters must be taken into account. The name itself could be chosen and occupied prior to the entire registration process (the latter is not compulsory but could represent a useful move in some cases). ...CONTD. Step 2: Escrow Bank Account Registration You will be required to register a special escrow account in some Bulgarian bank for the purposes of the entity’s equity and legal registration. The initial bank account registration is a mandatory step according to the Bulgarian rules and regulations. Step 3: Business Address Registration The address registration is the next mandatory step in the process of your company’s setup. Your company will need to have a Bulgarian address. ...CONTD. Step 4: Registration in the Government Official Register According to Bulgarian laws, every new business venture must be registered in the publicly available Official Commercial Register. Step 5: Stamp Registration Each newly registered business venture need an official stamp that can be used for endorsement of its formal activities. Despite being an additional after-registration step, the stamp registration has basically an obligatory function for the business set up in Bulgaria. CONCLUSION Therefore, it can be easily concluded that registering a company in Bulgaria can be of great advantage to the investors and incorporators. However, one must be well-aware of the hindrances in the establishment of the company.