Company Registration in Egypt.


Uploaded on May 2, 2020

Category Business

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Category Business



Company Registration in Egypt.

COMPANY REGISTRATION IN EGYPT we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. EGYPT Egypt is a large country in North Africa which boarders the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea and is home to the highly fertile Nile Valley. Tourism, manufacturing and construction are among the most popular industries in Egypt. Egypt is becoming a more attractive place to set up business. It receives more foreign investment than any other country in North Africa, and it is vital to Middle East and African business. We can assist you in setting up a business in Egypt. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. BACKGROUND Egypt is officially called the “Arab Republic of Egypt”. Its borders transcend two continents, the southwest corner of Asia and the northeast corner of Africa. It is also a Mediterranean country bordered by the Red Sea to the south and the Gulf of Aqaba to the east, and Israel and the Gaza Strip to the south with Libya to the west. Egypt was a British Protectorate from 1882 until 1952. However, in 1922 the United Kingdom granted Egypt its independence while maintaining its protectorate role until 1952 when Egypt became a republic. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. CORPORATE STRUCTURE OF EGYPT The main types of entities that can be established or acquired by foreign investors in Egypt are: •Representative offices; •Branch offices; •Joint stock companies; and •Limited liability companies. All of above legal entities are subject to the Companies law 159 of 1981 (the “Companies Law”), which is the general law of application. The Companies Law prescribes all corporate governance rules and regulations, regulates management and control issues and fiduciary duty and fiscal policies, together with operation of the company’s corporate requirements such as board of director’s meetings, ordinary general meetings and extraordinary general mwewwe.ptnjihnub.gin wse .are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. However, as will be illustrated later, depending on the types of activities, companies may be formed either under the Investment Incentives and Guarantees Law 8 of 1997 (the “ Original Investment Law”) , amended by Law 17 of 2015 and its Executive Regulations 1820 of 2015 (the “New Investment Law”) (these laws are hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Investment Law”) , or the Capital Market Law 92 of 1995 (the “Capital Market Law”). Representative offices may also be required to be formed under the Commercial Agency Law 120 of 1982 (the “Commercial Agency Law”). we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Representative Offices Foreign companies are permitted to establish representative or liaison offices, scientific or technical offices and other offices for the purpose of carrying out market surveys or studying the feasibility of production without entering into any commercial operations or commercial agency activities. A representative office, which does not comply with the said purpose, does not abide by the laws or provides false information of whatsoever kind, may be struck of the register. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Registration A foreign company may register the establishment of a representative office either under the Companies Law or the Commercial Agencies Law which shall in both cases require submitting an application to the Companies Department of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (“GAFI”).Such application must specify the name, nationality, company objectives, capital and head office abroad, whether it has a branch office in Egypt, the nature of the office to be established, its activities, capital and address in Egypt, together with certain information relating to the manager. The applicant should attach the parent company’s constitutive documents and a resolution of the parent company’s board of directors authorizing establishment of the representative office, which should be notarized and legalized up to the level of the Egyptian Consulate in the country of issuance, all of which must be accompanied by a certified Arabic we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Branch Offices A foreign company may register a branch office in Egypt if the company has a contract with an Egyptian private or public sector party to perform work in Egypt. Unlike a representative office, a branch office may engage in commercial, financial, industrial and contractual activities within the scope of the contract entered into. RegistrationEstablishing a branch office requires the approval of GAFI and the branch office must be registered with the Commercial Registration Department and in the centralized Register of Foreign Companies maintained with the Companies Department of GAFI, with such registration being valid for five years. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. A branch office may not employ more than 10% of its work force as foreigners or pay such foreign employees more than 20% of the total payroll with the exception of those foreigners employed as managers. Foreign employees working for a branch office must have obtained work and residence permits prior to commencing work in Egypt. Taxes & Social InsuranceA branch office is subject to corporate income tax at the rate of 22.5% of its net profits. Employees of a branch office shall be subject to Egyptian salary tax and the branch office must make the necessary monthly tax withholdings. For Egyptian employees, Social Insurance contributions are required from both the employers and employees.ProfitsThe branch office must distribute at least 10% of its net profits to employees, up to a maximum of its total annual payroll. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Joint Stock Companies Joint stock companies are among the most commonly used legal vehicles in Egypt and are usually used in those cases where there is a manufacturing project to be established in Egypt that requires major investments. The main reason for this is that joint stock companies have a more organized management structure and more stringent corporate governance requirements. Also, in cases of big investments, there are no requirements to pay the full capital upon establishment, which can be paid over a number of years based on the development of the project. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. A joint stock company may have an authorized capital and must have an issued capital (actual and paid in). The issued capital may not be less than LE 250,000 for closed companies and LE 1,000,000 if the company intends to offer its shares to the public (according to the Capital Market Law ). At least 10% of the share capital must be paid in at incorporation and subsequently increased to 25% within three months following the incorporation. Full payment of the issued share capital must be effected within a period of five years after the incorporation date. Value of SharesThe issued capital of a joint stock company comprises of shares, the nominal value of which must not be less than one Egyptian pound (EGP 1) or more than one thousand Egyptian pounds (EGP 1,000). Number of ShareholdersThe joint stock company must have a minimum of three shareholders at all times, whether natural persons or legal entities. There is no maximum limit for the number of shareholders. However, if the number of shareholders reaches 100, the company would be considered as having been offered to the public and the rules applicable to pubwliwcw. pncjhoub.min wep arae anggrieegatsor pwlatfoormu whledre yotuh caen linst y oaurspelf pas plryof.essional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Limited Liability Companies This type of company is usually formed for small projects that do not require major financing such as companies involved in internal trade and services activities.Constitutive DocumentsA limited liability company’s constitutive documents are its statutes. Model statutes have been issued by a Ministerial decree and any variations therefrom must be approved by the competent authority otherwise the registration may be rejected.Share CapitalAccording to the Ministry of Investment Decree No. 90 of 2009, no minimum or authorized capital is required for establishinwgww we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself asa pro fe ssiolniaml andi tgeet ledad s, y ou can list for chat with wliwaw.pbnjhiulbi.tiny we a rce aoggrmegatpor palatfnorym. w here you can list yourself as pcruosfteosmsieornsa al nadn da lgseot l liseta edms, pytoyu o cffiance li stp faocre c. hat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing mowrwe wth.laicne 1n5se0h liucbe.ninse w aen adr aep pprroovviadli nsge rmvioceres tohna onn 1e5 p0l alictfeonrsme. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. and approval services on However, the capital must be fully paid at the time of incorporation. Cash contributions are placed in a blocked bank account, which are then Limited Liability CompaniesThis type of company is usually formed for small projects that do not require major financing such as companies involved in internal trade and services activities.Constitutive DocumentsA limited liability company’s constitutive documents are its statutes. Model statutes have been issued by a Ministerial decree and any variations therefrom must be approved by the competent authority otherwise the registration may be rejected.Share CapitalAccording to the Ministry of Investment Decree No. 90 of 2009, no minimum or authorized capital is required for establishing a limited liability company. However, the capital must be fully paid at the time of incorporation. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. what are the main considerations? • Egypt company formation recently has begun allowing 100% foreign ownership in certain fields. These include industry and mining, tourism, real estate development, maritime transport, software design, and electronics production. • Egypt offers competitive corporate tax rates. Corporate tax is generally 20%, however this varies depending on the industry. Other industries are tax exempt, for example agriculture and tourism related companies • There are no minimum capital requirements for limited liability companies (LLC) • The General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) is the governing body on foreign investment. They assist international investors facilitate their investments within Egypt • There are specific free zones providing a variety of incentives and benefits. North West Suez Special Economic Zone is one free zone which provides 5% flat rate on personal income tax, 10% corporate tax rate, as well as standard infrastructure • Investors are free to repatriate the capital and profits which originate from Egypt • At least one manager for incorporated companies that are wholly foreign-owned need to be Egyptian. This individual does not necessarily need to be a shareholder can provide you with an efficient and professional service, helping you to register a company in this exciting country is the quckest possible timeframe. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. THANK YOU we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715.