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Company Registration in Japan
COMPANY REGISTRATION IN JAPAN BY- HARSHIT SHARMA BUSINESS STRUCTURE & COMPANY FORMATION PROCEDURE IN JAPAN SOLE COMPANY FOREIGN PROPRIETORSH FORMATION COMPANY IP JAPAN ESTABLISHMENT SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP (KOJINJIGYO) It is less complicated and requires less tax until the business reaches a certain amount of profit. It is a business run and owned by Individual. It can use a commercial name but does not separate its owner and the business, meaning thereby all profits/loss and assets/debt of business is sole responsibility of Individual. There is no legal obligation for mandatory registration to become sole proprietor hence once decided to start a business can start trade/business. COMPANY FORMATION JAPAN TYPES OF COMPANY FORMATION IN JAPAN Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) Godo Kaisha (GK) FOREIGN COMPANY CAN HAVE EITHER… Subsidiary Company Representative (company Branch Office Office (RO) established under (BO) the Japanese Laws) REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE It is a simple fact of having a physical office space located somewhere in Japan and there isn't any required procedure to register it officially. It is not allowed to engage in commercial activities or generates profits locally but the activities like providing information to parent company, advertising & publicity, market research etc. kind of activities allowed to do being RO by Japanese Government. It is not subject to paying corporate tax. It is not possible to open a bank account under the name of the parent company. Only a personal account under the name of representative can be opened, but the account holder's name can be followed by the company's name. SUBSIDIA RY COMPAN Y BRANC H OFFICE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR ESTABLISHING BRANCH OFFICE IN JAPAN Firstly: Affidavit certified by Country’s Embassy/Consulate in Japan or public notary of the company where the foreign company is registered. Secondly: Seal Certificate or Signature attestation of Representation in Japan (issued within 3 months) Thirdly: Branch Office’s official seal (to be registered at the registry office) PROCESS & STEPS TO BE ADHERED FOR INCORPORATING COMPANY IN JAPAN First: Find an Office Address Second: Prepare the Article of Incorporation (AOA) and Notarize the AOA Third: Deposit of Capital Fourth: Preparing documents for the company’s registration. Fifth: Filing the application for the company’s registration It cost minimum 150000 yen for KK and 60000 yen for GK. CONTINUED… Sixth: Registration certificate Issued Seventh: obtain Tax & Social insurance registration CONCLUSION The compliance and regulatory framework of Japanese law for any form of business structure is not difficult to fulfilled provided initial requirement like obtaining bank account and representative director might cause problem which in a nutshell required local link up to set up business here in Japan. Otherwise, the growth of Japan is always attracting the foreign investors in huge number due to welcoming less burden of compliance and regulatory framework with good corporate governance and labor force.