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Company Registration in Uruguay
COMPANY REGISTRATION IN URUGUAY we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. URUGUAY Uruguay is located in Southern South America, and borders the South Atlantic Ocean, between Argentina and Brazil. Uruguay’s economy is characterised by an export-oriented agricultural sector, a well- educated work force, and high levels of social spending. Despite the recent global financial crisis, the country has managed to avoid a recession and keep positive growth rates, mainly through higher public expenditure and investment, and GDP growth reached 8.5% in 2010 and 6% in 2011. Uruguay offers an opportunity to register an offshore company in a Free Trade Zone which is exempt from all national taxes. can assist you in setting up a company in Uruguay. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. The Republic of Uruguay is a country of Latin America, but it would be wrong to equate it to any of the Latin American countries, because nowadays Uruguay is characterized by enviable political stability and has extremely progressive social legislation. And, of course, the political stability is one of the decisive factors influencing the formation of reputation of the offshore jurisdiction. Uruguay is the third most reliable country in Latin America. Therefore, more and more entrepreneurs are tending to buy or register company in Uruguay. The geographical location of Uruguay is the Atlantic coast of South America. Uruguay shares its borders with such countries as Brazil (land border) and Argentina (the border passes through the Uruguay river). The country is poor in subsoil resources. The population of the republic (and it is more than 3 million people) is mostly immigrants from the European countries, such as Spain and Italy. There are French people, British people, and natives of Brazil. Spanish language has the status of the state language. At the same time, most Uruguayans use English and other European languages. The national currency is the Uruguayan peso. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. PROFITS OF REGISTERING COMPANY IN URUGUAY The main reasons are: - democratic policy of the government; - liberal tax legislation; - lack of currency control; - existence of such free zones as Nueva Palmyra, Colonia and Carrasco, etc.; - progressive conditions for doing offshore business in Uruguay; - principle of preservation of bank secrecy, underlying the functioning of the financial sector. The Government of Uruguay encourages the investors in every possible way. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. IMPORTANT ASPECTS The law on the stimulation of industrial production stipulates that all the projects aimed at expanding or modernizing production in the republic are not subject to taxation. Such projects are considered as priority. The law provides for the possibility of obtaining benefits regarding tax on the import of productive capital, income tax, and inheritance tax. There is temporary tax abatements for importation of industrial products used in the production of export goods. The stage of their processing does not matter. It is also possible to refund indirect tax, and the company is admitted to special loans. It is possible to obtain them both in US dollars and in local currency. In order to protect their own interests, foreign investors prefer to conclude contracts with the government, guaranteeing the preservation of imported funds. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Forms of doing business in Uruguay Registration of business in Uruguay can be carried out in several forms. Among them there are: - Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada), SRL; - Anonymous society (Sociedad Anonima), SA. The companies with limited liability (SRL) are usually established by the representatives of small business in Uruguay. SA company in Uruguay is the corporate structure. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. TYPES OF COMPANY IN URUGUAY There are four main types of ways to establish a business: • UNIPERSONAL (a sole-tradership). This is only for physical persons with small scale operations and therefore is not appropriate for a business. • SOCIEDADES DE RESPONSIBILIDAD LIMITADA (a limited liability partnership). This form of company is only suitable for small to medium sized businesses. • SOCIEDADES DE ZONA FRANCA (a limited liability company for Duty Free Zones). These are a special form of company which are required if one wants to operate out of a duty- free zone. The company must sign a contract with a duty-free zone owner in which it specifies the activities it will carry out. This contract and a business plan must be approved by the Duty Free Zone Regulator, before the company can be approved for registration. • SOCIEDADES ANONIMAS ("S.A.") - literally an "Anonymous Society", it is a limited liability company. This is the most typical form of company used in Uruguay. It has several advantages over other company forms. For example, directors do not have to make social security contributions. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. NATIONAL TREATMENT AND OTHER ASPECTS From a fiscal point of view foreigners and nationals are treated the same. In terms of rights and obligations, foreigners are free to use any of the company formats independently, whether a resident of Uruguay or not. Also, there is no requirement to have a local partner in any business venture. In addition we would highlight the following particular advantages of the Uruguayan legal regime: • Total freedom to exchange currencies; • Freedom to receive and remit funds; • Any and all foreign currencies can be used, so that it is possible to contract in any currency and that contract will also be enforceable in court; • Total confidentiality (as a result of the legal provisions covering bank secrecy, client confidentiality for the legal and accounting professions). we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Types of shares In S.A.'s the shares can be bearer shares, which is easy for transactional purposes. Historically, bearer shares were popular as a means of hiding the real ownership of a company. In recent years, legislation has been introduced by which the shares must have a named owner. Or, alternatively the Uruguayan Central Bank must be informed of the names of the final beneficial owners. The Central Bank keeps a register to be used in the case that a court orders that the veil of corporate ownership be lifted. S.A.'s receive special tax treatment if they only operate abroad, paying a highly reduced level of taxes. The fact that SA's are subject to Central Bank and Commerce Register supervision – which do not affect the good running of the company in any way – means that Uruguayan SA's have been favourably compared to similar company forms in other jurisdictions that exercise no control at all over the activities of the company. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP The Limited Liability Partnership is the type of legal structure normally used by small and medium sized entities in the country.The Companies' Corporate Agreement is created by at least two partners and not more than fifty and is filed within the National Register of Commerce. An extract of the Corporate Agreement must be published once in the Official newspaper and in a private one. Until the incorporation process is complete, the partners are jointly and severally liable. According to this, each partner is only responsible for the capital nvested in the company. Similar to corporations, a meeting must be held to approve the balance sheet of the company every year. However, readymade companies do not exist.The usual form of partnership is where all partners participate in the management of the partnership business and have limited liability. Transfer of ownership among partners is not limited. Transfers to third parties are subject to the approval of the partners of age, when there are five partners or less. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Cost of formation and time taken There are two ways to form an S.A. in Uruguay: • Buying a company off-the-shelf ready to operate, with a standard broad set of articles and with a name not that of choice. • Forming one's own company with the name of choice and articles specific to the companies objects. In both cases the costs are likely to be around U$S5000. The major difference is forming one's own company takes around 3 months, we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list due to the bureaucratic processes eimnptvy offilcve espdace.. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. ADVANTAGES OF INVESTING IN URUGUAY The Uruguayan economy enjoys a clear competitive advantage in producing and processing primary products due to the abundance of natural resources together with a world class transport and telecommunications infrastructure.Promotion and protection of investments has been a consistent State policy in Uruguay.Foreign investors receive the same treatment as domestic investors. There is complete financial market freedom and no prior authorization is required to trade foreign currency or to inject or repatriate capital.Uruguay also offers a low cost business environment, high skill levels and competitive salary costs for qualified professional/executives. The lifestyle, climate and educational opportunities are key attractions. As well, Uruguay is a prime tourism destination, with the best summer resort in South America. investing in Uruguay is a reliable entry point for investors in the exciting Mercosur region, because its strategic location offers easy access to major business and industrial centers in the region. The country's port facilities are strategically located along the Atlantic Ocean and the Paraguay- Paraná fluvial waterway to access both overseas locations and the center of we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list the continent. empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. MAIN FEATURES • Uruguay is a stable, secure jurisdiction with a sophisticated legal system and developed economy • Uruguay is politically and economically stable, making Uruguay company formation a good long- term solution • 100% foreign ownership is permitted • A minimum of one director and one shareholder is required, who can be of any nationality and need not be resident in Uruguay • Corporate shareholders are permitted • Following the incorporation of a SAFI, shareholders’ and directors’ details are not available for public viewing • If properly structured, a SAFI is legally exempt from corporation tax provided certain conditions are met. One such condition is that the company is not permitted to conduct business in Uruguay • International entrepreneurs use the Uruguayan SAFI for the following activities: i) investing in securities, bonds, shares, notes, debentures ii) real estate investment and iii) legally tax-exempt international trade. • A Uruguayan limited liability company is subject to a profits tax of 30% on international and local income • A Uruguayan company is also required to register for value added tax (VAT), currently levied at 23% we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. THANK YOU we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval services on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715.