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IFRS Conversion Services
IFRS Conversion Services -By Himani Srivastava International Financial Reporting Standards International Financial Reporting Standards, commonly called IFRS, are accounting standards issued by the IFRS Foundation and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). They constitute a standardized way of describing the company’s financial performance so that company financial statements are understandable and comparable across international boundaries. They are particularly relevant for companies with shares or securities listed on a public stock exchange. IFRS has replaced many different national accounting standards around the world but have not replaced the separate accounting standards in the United States where US GAAP is applied. History of IFRS The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) was established in June 1973 by accountancy bodies representing ten countries. It devised and published International Accounting Standards (IAS), interpretations and a conceptual framework. These were looked to by many national accounting standard-setters in developing national standards. In 2001 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) replaced the IASC with a remit to bring about convergence between national accounting standards through the development of global accounting standards. During its first meeting, the new Board adopted existing IAS and Standing Interpretations Committee standards (SICs). The IASB has continued to develop standards calling the new standards "International Financial Reporting Standards" (IFRS). In 2002 the European Union (EU) agreed that from 1 January 2005, International Financial Reporting Standards would apply for the consolidated accounts of the EU listed companies, bringing about the introduction of IFRS to many large entities. Other countries have since followed the lead of the EU. Adoption of IFRS IFRS Standards are required in more than 140 jurisdictions and permitted in many parts of the world, including South Korea, Brazil, the European Union, India, Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan, GCC countries, Russia, Chile, Philippines, South Africa, Singapore, and Turkey. To assess progress towards the goal of a single set global accounting standards, the IFRS Foundation has developed and posted profiles about the use of IFRS Standards in individual jurisdictions. These are based on information from various sources. The starting point was the responses provided by standard-setting and other relevant bodies to a survey that the IFRS Foundation conducted. As of August 2019, profiles are completed for 166 jurisdictions, with 144 jurisdictions requiring the use of IFRS Standards. Due to the difficulty of maintaining up-to-date information in individual jurisdictions, three sources of information on current worldwide IFRS adoption are recommended: ● IFRS Foundation profiles page ● The World Bank ● International Federation of Accountants Ray J. Ball described the expectation by the European Union and others that IFRS adoption worldwide would be beneficial to investors and other users of financial statements, by reducing the costs of comparing investment opportunities and increasing the quality of information. Companies are also expected to benefit, as investors will be more willing to provide financing. Companies that have high levels of international activities are among the group that would benefit from a switch to IFRS Standards. Companies that are involved in foreign activities and investing benefit from the switch due to the increased comparability of a set accounting standard, However, Ray J. Ball has expressed some skepticism of the overall cost of the international standard; he argues that the enforcement of the standards could be lax, and the regional differences in accounting could become obscured behind a label. He also expressed concerns about the fair value emphasis of IFRS and the influence of accountants from non-common-law regions, where losses have been recognized in a less timely manner. US GAAP US GAAP remains separate from IFRS. The Securities Exchange Committee (SEC) requires the use of US GAAP by domestic companies with listed securities and does not permit them to use IFRS; US GAAP is also used by some companies in Japan and the rest of the world. In 2002 IASB and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the body supporting US GAAP, announced a program known as the Norwalk Agreement that aimed at eliminating differences between IFRS and US GAAP. In 2012 the SEC announced that it expected separate US GAAP to continue for the foreseeable future but sought to encourage further work to align the two standards. IFRS is sometimes described as principles-based, as opposed to a rules-based approach in US GAAP; so in US GAAP there is more instruction in the application of standards to specific examples and industries. Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting The Conceptual Framework serves as a tool for the IASB to develop standards. It does not override the requirements of individual IFRSs. Some companies may use the Framework as a reference for selecting their accounting policies in the absence of specific IFRS requirements. The Conceptual Framework states that the primary purpose of financial information is to be useful to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors when making decisions about the financing of the entity and exercising rights to vote on, or otherwise influence, management's actions that affect the use of the entity's economic resources. Users base their expectations of returns on their assessment of: ● The amount, timing and uncertainty of future net cash inflows to the entity; ● Management's stewardship of the entity’s resources. Qualitative characteristics of financial information Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting defines the fundamental qualitative characteristics of financial information to be: Relevance; and ● Faithful representation The Framework also describes enhancing qualitative characteristics: ● Comparability ● Verifiability ● Timeliness ● Understandability Elements of financial statements Conceptual Framework defines the elements of financial statements to be:- Asset: A present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events which are expected to generate future economic benefits ● Liability: A present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past events ● Equity: The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities ● Income: increases in economic benefit during an accounting period in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets, or decrease of liabilities that result in increases in equity. However, it does not include the contributions made by the equity participants (for example owners, partners or shareholders). ● Expenses: decreases in assets, or increases in liabilities, which result in decreases in equity. However, these do not include the distributions made to the equity participants. ● Other changes in economic resources and claims: Contributions from holders of equity and distributions to them Recognition of elements of financial statements An item is recognized in the financial statements when: ● it is probable that future economic benefit will flow to or from an entity. ● the resource can be reliably measured In some cases, specific standards add additional conditions before recognition is possible or prohibit recognition altogether. An example is the recognition of internally generated brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists, and items similar in substance, for which recognition is prohibited by IAS 38. In addition, research and development expenses can only be recognized as an intangible asset if they cross the threshold of being classified as 'development cost'. Whilst the standard on provisions, IAS 37, prohibits the recognition of a provision for contingent liabilities, this prohibition is not applicable to the accounting for contingent liabilities in a business combination. In that case, the acquirer shall recognize a contingent liability even if it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required. Concepts of capital and capital maintenance Concepts of capital maintenance are important as only income earned in excess of amounts needed to maintain capital may be regarded as profit. The Conceptual Framework describes the following concepts of capital maintenance: ● Financial capital maintenance. Under this concept, a profit is earned only if the financial amount of the net assets at the end of the period exceeds the financial (or money) amount of net assets at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to, and contributions from owners during the period. Financial capital maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary units or units of constant purchasing power; ● Physical capital maintenance. Under this concept, a profit is earned only if the physical productive capacity (or operating capacity) of the entity (or the resources or funds needed to achieve that capacity) at the end of the period exceeds the physical productive capacity at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to, and contributions from owners during the period. Most entities adopt a financial concept of capital maintenance. However, the Conceptual Framework does not prescribe any model of capital maintenance. Thank You