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Prepaid Instruments License
Prepaid Instruments License - By Himani Srivastava Prepaid Payment Instruments Prepaid payment instruments are methods that facilitate the purchase of goods and services against the value stored on such instruments. The value stored on such instruments represents the value paid for by the holder, by cash, by debit to a bank account, or by credit card. The prepaid instruments can be issued as smart cards, magnetic stripe cards, internet accounts, online wallets, mobile accounts, mobile wallets, paper vouchers and any such instruments used to access the prepaid amount. Categories of Prepaid Payment Instruments :The prepaid payment instruments that can be issued in the country are classified under the following categories: Closed System Payment Instruments These are payment instruments issued by a person for facilitating the purchase of goods and services from him/her/it. Semi-Closed System Payment Instruments These payment instruments are redeemable at a group of clearly identified merchants that contract specifically with the issuer to accept the payment instrument. These instruments do not permit cash withdrawal or redemption by the holder. Semi-open System Payment Instruments These are payment instruments that can be used to purchase goods and services at any card-accepting merchant locations (Point of sale terminals). These instruments do not permit cash withdrawal or redemption by the holder. Open System Payment Instruments These payment instruments can be used for the purchase of goods and services and also permit cash withdrawal at ATMs, Merchant Local Locations, and automated business correspondents. Mobile Prepaid Instruments These are prepaid talk time instruments issued by mobile service providers. This talk time value can also be used to purchase 'value-added service' from the mobile service provider or third-party service providers. Eligibility Banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC), who comply with the eligibility criteria, would be permitted to issue all categories of prepaid payment instruments. Only banks permitted to provide Mobile Banking Transactions by the Reserve Bank of India shall be permitted to launch mobile based prepaid payment instruments. Other entities would be permitted to issue only closed system prepaid payment instruments and semi-closed system prepaid payment instruments. Mobile Service Providers are permitted to issue mobile prepaid value. In addition to talk-value, the use of such prepaid value as a payment instrument shall be restricted to the purchase of only such value-added digital contents or services for use on mobile phones. The use of mobile prepaid value for the purchase of other goods and services shall not be permitted. Closed System Payment Instruments These payment instruments are generally issued by the business establishment for use within their premises only. They do not permit cash withdrawal. The max limit is Rs. 5000/- Example- Coupons issued by corporates to employees for use within the establishment Semi-Closed System Payment Instruments These payment instruments are redeemable at clearly identifiable merchants/locations which are in contract with the issuer to accept the payment instrument. These do not permit cash withdrawal. Example - Paytm. Semi-Open System Payment Instruments These are payment instruments that can be used for the purchase of goods and services at any merchant/location which accepts cards (POS terminals). These do not permit cash withdrawal or redemption. Open System Payment Instruments These are payment instruments that can be used for the purchase of goods and services. They also permit cash withdrawal at ATMs. Thank You