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SECRETARIAL AUDIT we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. SECRETARIAL AUDIT IN INDIA Secretarial Audit is a process to check compliance with the provisions of various laws and rules/ regulations/procedures, maintenance of books, records etc., by an independent professional to ensure that the company has complied with the legal and procedural requirements and also followed the due process. It is essentially a mechanism to monitor compliance with the requirements of stated laws. Secretarial audit is done in order to verify the compliance of various legislation including the Companies Act and other corporate and economic laws applicable to the company. In India, following companies are required to conduct secretarial audit and obtain secretarial audit report as per section 204 of the Companies Act 2013 read with Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014: • Every listed company • Every public company having paid up share capital of 50 crore rupees or more or • Every public company having*turnover of 250 crores or more we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. According to section 2(91) of the Companies Act, 2013, Turnover implies the aggregate value of the realization of amount made from the sale, supply or distribution of goods or on account of services rendered, or both, by the company during a financial year. Companies falling under this criteria required to annex secretarial audit report with the board report. However companies which are not falling under the above-mentioned criteria may obtain secretarial audit report voluntarily as it will provide an independent assurance of the compliances by the company. The format of secretarial audit report shall be in form MR-3 according to Rule 9 of Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. ELIGIBILITY TO CONDUCT SECRETARIAL AUDIT According to section 204(1) of Companies Act 2013, secretarial audit can be conducted by only a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India holding certificate of practice (company secretary in practice) and furnish the Secretarial Audit Report in form MR-3 to the company. Company secretary who is employed and not in whole time practice is not eligible to conduct secretarial audit. There is no restriction has been placed by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India regarding the number of audits that can be conducted by Company Secretary in Practice in one financial year. Secretarial Audit is a comprehensive review of all the laws, statutes and legislation applicable on the company. In conducting secretarial audit, company has to comply with a number of rules and regulawwtwio.pnnjhsub .bin waes aere dagg roegnato ri tplsatf oarmr ewhaer eo yofu coanp liset yroaursteilfo asn prsof.essional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Company secretary is considered as the statutory watchdog of the corporate world, it has always been the duty of the Company Secretary to make sure that all the laws and rules are being followed by the management. Secretarial Audit helps the Company Secretary to take into account all the non-compliance in a company and to take preventive actions in a company to avoid any kinds of frauds and errors. Secretarial Audit ensures better enforcement of the rules. The main objective of the company secretary profession is to promote corporate governance. With the help of secretarial audit, internal systems of the companies will improve with the overall effectiveness of the legal we are aggregator platform where you ccano lismt youprsellif aas pnrofcesesion asl aynds gett eleamds, yo.u can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. SCOPE & OBJECTIVE we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. SCOPE The scope of Secretarial Audit comprises verification of the compliances under the following enactments, rules, regulations and guidelines: (i) The Companies Act, 1956 and the Rules made there under; (ii) The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (‘SCRA’) and the Rules made there under; (iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and Bye-laws framed there under; (iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules & regulations made there under; (v) The Listing Agreement(s) entered into by the Company with Stock Exchange (s). (vi) Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. (vii) Corporate Governance Voluntary Guidelines, 2009 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India; (vii) Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines, 2009 issued by thew w wrey a re oagfgr e gCatoor prlaptformr awhteere yAouff caan lisrt syo,u rsGelfo asv preofersnsiomnal eannd gte t oleafd sI, nyodu ciaan l;is t for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. OBJECTIVE The objectives of Secretarial Audit may be briefed as under. • To check & Report on Compliances • To Point out Non-Compliances and Inadequate Compliances • To Protect the interest of the Customers, employees, society etc. • To avoid any unwarranted legal actions by law enforcing agencies and other persons as well. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. BENEFICIARIES OF SECRETARIAL AUDIT we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. The major beneficiaries of Secretarial Audit include: (a) Promoters : Secretarial Audit will assure the Promoters of a company that those in-charge of its management are conducting its affairs in accordance with requirements of laws. (b) Management : Secretarial Audit will assure the Management of a company that those who are entrusted with the duty and responsibility of compliance are performing their role effectively and efficiently. This alsohelps the management to establish benchmarks for the compliance mechanism, review and improve the compliances on a continuing basis. (c) Non-executive directors: Secretarial Audit will provide comfort to the Non-executive Directors that appropriate mechanisms and processes are in place to ensure compliance with laws applicable to the company, thus mitigating any risk from a regulatory or governance perspective; so that the Directors not in-charge of the day-to-day management of the company are not likely to be exposed to penal or other liability on account of non-compliance with law. (d) Government authorities/regulators Being a pro-active measure, Secretarial Audit facilitates reducing the burden of the law-enforcementauthorities and promotes governance and the level of compliance. (e) Investors: Secretarial Audit will inform the investors whether the company is conducting its affairs within theapplicable legal framework. (f) Other Stakeholders: Financial Institutions, Banks, Creditors and Consumers are enabled to measure the law abiding nature of Company management. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. Signing of Secretarial Audit report Secretarial Audit Report is signed by the secretarial auditor who is engaged by the company to conduct the secretarial audit of the company and in case of company secretaries firm it will be signed by the partner under whose supervision the secretarial audit was conducted. Appointment of Secretarial Auditor In a company secretarial auditor is required to be appointed by means of passing resolution at a duly convened board meeting as per rule 8 of the Companies (Meeting of Board and its powers) Rules, 2014. It is always advisable to secretarial auditor to get the letter of engagement from the company and formally accept the letter of engagement. In case of change in the secretarial auditor it is always advisable to mention the change in secretarial auditor in the board report to the members as a prudent corporate practice. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. APPLICABILITY OF SECRETARIAL AUDIT IN CASE OF PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANIES Secretarial audit is not applicable in case of private limited companies as according to section 2 (71) of the Companies Act, 2013, public company is defined as which is not a private company and it has been interpreted from the definition that secretarial audit shall be applicable on the private company which is a subsidiary of a public company, and which fall under the prescribed class of companies. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. FRAUD IN CASE OF NON - COMPLIANCE According to section 204(4) of the companies Act, 2013, in case company or any officer of the company or company secretary in practice contravene the provisions related to secretarial audit of the company, every officer of the company or company secretary in practice who is in default shall be punishable with the fine. we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. PENALTY FOR INCORRECT AUDIT REPORT While the Voluntary Guidelines on Corporate Governance have opened up a significant area of practice for Company Secretaries, it casts immense responsibility on Company Secretaries, and poses a great challenge to justify fully, the faith and confidence reposed in them. Company Secretaries must take adequate care while conducting Secretarial Audit. Any failure or lapse on the part of PCS in issuing a Secretarial Audit Report may attract penalty for incorrect report and disciplinary action for professional or other misconduct under the provisions of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980. It, therefore, becomes imperative for the PCS that he exercises great care and caution while issuing the Secretarial Audit report and also adheres to the highest standards of professional ethics and excewlwlew.pnnjchueb. ini nwe aprer aoggvregiadtoirn plgatf ohrmi wsh esree yoruv cainc liest syo.u rself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING we are aggregator platform where you can list yourself as professional and get leads, you can list for chat with customers and also list empty office space. we are providing more than 150 license and approval ervices on one platform. Contact Paras Mittal, Mb 9971002715.