How to deal with improper or unethical peer review – Pubrica


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Category Education

Peer review is now nearly universal in scholarly publications, and it is regarded as a necessary component of the publishing process. Peer review is the foundation of the publishing system and is at the core of the editorial process. Continue Reading: For our services: Why Pubrica: When you order our services, We promise you the following – Plagiarism free | always on Time | 24*7 customer support | Written to international Standard | Unlimited Revisions support | Medical writing Expert | Publication Support | Biostatistical experts | High-quality Subject Matter Experts.   Contact us:      Web:  Blog:  Email: [email protected]  WhatsApp : +91 9884350006  United Kingdom: +44-1618186353

Category Education



How to deal with improper or unethical peer review – Pubrica

How to Deal With Improper or Unethical PAn AcademDr. eNanecy Aric presentation bygnes, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica RGEmroaueipl:: [email protected] Today's Discussion Outlin e Functionality and Quality of Peer Review Ethical Responsibilities of Editors and Reviewers The Ethical Status of Peer Review Alternatives Conclusion FUNCTIONALITY AND QUALITY OF PEER REPVeIeEr Wreview is now nearly universal in scholarly publications, and it is regarded as a necessary component of the publishing process. There is no agreement on what peer review is, what it is for, what distinguishes a 'good' review from a 'poor' review, or how even to begin to define 'Sqoumaleit yp ruebvlieiswh.ers may have previously acquired, processed, and analysed peer review data Contd.. internally to monitor and improve their . processes. This may be a significant file drawer issue, as such information is only of little utility if solely utilised for personal reasons. Empirical data on a variety of aspects of the peer review process might be obtained, with different degrees of difficulty, to undTehrset annudm bert toefr referee reports per article, how many howpr oeitue nwrd orser kvosife, win cislu ding: there? Length of referee reports During the evaluation process, was code, data, and documents made available? Contd.. . Was any code, data, or materials aincscpesescitbiloen f/oarnalysis during the process? Who decides whether the reports should be available to the public when these choices are made, and what should be contained in them? ( . epdeirtcoerniatla cgoem mofe nptasp) ers that receive "redjeesckts" versus "peer review rejections." What happens to submissions that are submitted? Table 1: Journal peer-review survey data ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF EDITORS AND REVIEWERS The Committee on Publishing Ethical (COPE) was established in 1997 to address research and publication ethics violations and provide It provides standards for writers, ae dciotodres ,of conduct for biomedical journals. editorial board members, readers, journal owners, and publishers to establish the best practice in scientific publishing ethics. Contd.. . They include research design and ethical approval, data analysis, authorship, conflicts of interest, peer review, redundant publishing, plagiarism, and editor responsibilities, as well as media relations and advertising. THE ETHICAL STATUS OF PEER REVIEW ALTERNATIVES DOUBLE-BLIND PEER REVIEW Double-blind reviewing isn't any better than single-blind reviewing in any manner. The reviewer is still aware that he is working with competition and may feel compelled to correct all of the issues that have bTheee n dnooutebdle. blindness does not affect the incentives for dishonest behaviour or the power to gain an advantage Contd.. through the review system. . SINGLE-BLIND PEER REVIEW Peer review has all of the ethical issues that peer review has, plus one: the peer reviewer will be certain of the reviewed identity and may pursue a personal If the evaluated person is unlucky, his or her wcaomrkp waiilgl n based on past enmity. be reviewed by someone who actively dislikes him or Pheerrs, orensaul latisnsga uinlt as ni ne xptreeemr erley vbiaedw esv awleuraet ion. reported by 17.7% of respondents in the poll, as mentioned earlier on ethical issues with peer review. Contd.. . PARTIAL OPEN REVIEW (SINGLE- BLIND) The term "partial open review" refers to a review method in which the reviewer stays anonymous, but the review is made pThueb lirce.ader of an article is aware of the reviewer's viewpoints and may determine if the review is fair. This is an improvement over the current method, which keeps both reviews and reviewers hidden. Contd.. . OPEN REVIEW (NO BLIND) An open peer to peer review system has several audnveathnitcaagl es, aocnteiv iotyf ,w hitchhe yis thwati lli f a revpierowfeers sional feancgeages in consequences. An open peer review is one in which neither the reviewer nor the reviewed are anonymous, and the reviews are OPEmNa dReE pVuIEbWlic .BLINDED AUTHOR The reviewer is known to the reviewer, but the review is unknown to the reviewer in an honest review. This makes it far less likely that the wrervitiee wae br iawsielld review as part of retribution. Unless textual evidence indicates otherwise, the reviewer cannot be confident that he is criticising the work of someone he hates. It's the polar opposite of the typical evaluation, and it offers its own set of benefits. CONCLUS I ON Peer review is a complex and multifaceted process, and it's quite conceivable that we overlooked some crucial Paespeer crtesv. iew is not a stand-alone mechanism but an integral element of a complex, changing ecological Isty'ss tpeoms.sible to apply what has been done to other peer reviews, such as grants and clinical trials. Contact Us UNITED KINGDOM +44- 7424810299 INDIA +91- 9884350006 EMAIL [email protected] m