What are the guidelines to write a biomedical literature review for a manuscript - Pubrica


Uploaded on Aug 29, 2020

Category Automotive

• In short, a manuscript literature review provides a critical assessment of the sources (literature) you have gathered and read surrounding your subject area and then identifies a "gap" in that literature that your research will attempt to address. • A literature review may also involve in a summary of key sources. Still, a literature review usually has a regulatory pattern and incorporates both summary and synthesis, often within specific theoretical categories. Full Information: https://bit.ly/31EcQLC Reference: https://pubrica.com/services/research-services/literature-review-and-gap/ Why pubrica? When you order our services, we promise you the following – Plagiarism free, always on Time, outstanding customer support, written to Standard, Unlimited Revisions support and High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us : Web: https://pubrica.com/ Blog: https://pubrica.com/academy/ Email: [email protected] WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-74248 10299

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