• Case study report writing is an important component of scientific medical writing. • However, legal obligations for writing a case report are strict to safeguard identity, privacy, and interests of the data subject. • GDPR formulated by hey the European Union Is an important step towards ensuring the same. Full Information: https://bit.ly/2CPJ255 Reference: https://pubrica.com/services/research-services/case-report-writing/ Why pubrica? When you order our services, we promise you the following – Plagiarism free, always on Time, outstanding customer support, written to Standard, Unlimited Revisions support and High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us : Web: https://pubrica.com/ Blog: https://pubrica.com/academy/ Email: [email protected] WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-74248 10299
A Kidney Transplant Patient With Mild Covid-19 Case Report Writing Guidelines - Pubrica
A K I D N E Y T R A N S P L A N T PAT I E N T W I T H M I L D COV I D‐1 9 : C A S E R E P O R T W R I T I N G G U I D E L I N E S F O R P U B L I C AT I O N A N D T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F G D P R An Academic presentation by Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email: [email protected] Today's Discussion Outline In Brief Reporting a Case Kidney Transplant Patient with Mild COVID- 19 CARE Guidelines Patient Consent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Conclusion In Brief Case study report writing is an important component of scientific emdical writing. Legal obligations for writing a case report are strict to safeguard identity, privacy, and interests of the data subject. GDPR formulated by hey the European Union Is an important step towards ensuring the same. Reportin g a Case Case reporting is an integral part of knowledge dissemination in medical science. A single case is often reported to highlight circumstances during management of not so common diseases. Writing a case report is a quick way to report unique cases, sharing information about the difficulty in diagnosis, etc. Kidney Transplant COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge in both the Patient with developed as well as developing countries with respect to prediction of the outcome in different patients, prognostic Mild COVID-19 factors, and management protocols. Mortality rate of 1-6% Has been reported from different parts of the world. COVID-19 presents in an a typical manner in immunocompromised and immunosuppressed patients. Aprilia et al have reported clinical features and treatment approach for a patient with k idney transplant and COVID- 19. CARE These are guidelines recommended by experts around the world for c ase study writing to improve the accuracy, Guidelines transparency, and quality of reporting so it is beneficial to all stakeholders. Case report writing services utilise the checklist provided by CARE guidelines on h ow to write a medical case report . These guidelines have been endorsed time and again and translated in over 10 languages, hence, b est case report writing services use them extensively. The detail checklist is available on their website for h el p in c ase study writing. Patient Consen Reporting a case has its own challenges, the most important t being protecting the identity and privacy of the patient. Medical case study report writing need this prior to publishing diagnostic reports and images of the patient. Consent should be written format always and should be executed by an authorized person. Information transmitted to the consenting person should be transparent, complete, in a dialect that the patient can follow, in a simple manner, and impartial. General The GDPR is the harshest privacy and security law in the Data world with heavy penalty. Protection GDPR outlines various articles related to lawfulness of processing, conditions for consent, and principles related to processing personal data. Regulatio n (GDPR) Processing of data for research purposes is covered in article 9 while article 10 provides guidelines for processing data related to criminal proceedings and offenses. Open data includes publication of research findings on the internet, primary data in the public domain, and availability of data to other researchers through various channels. Conclusion To conclude, a proper consent for publication of case study is to be ensured and adequately documented from the patients, guardian, legal representatives, or other relevant authorities. Contact Us UNITED KINGDOM +44-1143520021 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL [email protected] Contact Us UNITED KINGDOM +44-1143520021 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL [email protected]