Structure for writing a scientific research proposal in biotechnology - Pubrica


Uploaded on Jul 7, 2020

Category Education

• The intention of writing a research proposal in biotechnology is to get approval for research work from a committee irrespective of what you are applying. • The researcher aims to clearly describe the research in a way that a non-specialist can understand. • The research proposal in biotechnology must not only define how the research will be carried out but also need to providedetail description about the required timeline. Full Information: Reference: Why pubrica? When you order our services, we promise you the following – Plagiarism free, always on Time, outstanding customer support, written to Standard, Unlimited Revisions support and High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us : Web: Blog: Email: [email protected] WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-74248 10299

Category Education



Structure for writing a scientific research proposal in biotechnology - Pubrica

STRUCTURE FOR WRITING A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROPOSAL IN BIOTECHNOLOGY An Academic Dpr.e Nseantcayt iAogne nbsy, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica Group: Email: [email protected] Today's Discussion Outlin In Brief Introducti e on Basic Requirements for an Effective Research Proposal Contents of a Research Proposal Title Research design and methods Page Aims and Budge objectives t Introducti Appendic on es Literature Citation review s In Brief The intention of writing a research proposal in biotechnology is to get approval for research work from a committee irrespective of what you are applying. The researcher aims to clearly describe the research in a way that a non-specialist can understand. The research proposal in biotechnology must need to provide detail description about the required timeline. I n t r o d u c t i o n Writing a research proposal is an entirely challenging mission because of the constant evolution in the research design and the need to incorporate innovative concepts and medical advances. Proposal writing is an essential step in the process of conducting research. The main objective in preparing a research proposal is to obtain approval from several committees such as the ethics committee and grant committee. Basic Requirements for an Effective Research Proposal The primary purpose of every proposal should add innovative addition to the present findings in biotechnology while specifying the research question to be answered, its significance. The research proposal must convince the committee evaluating the proposal about the practicality, reproducibility of the proposed research in biotechnology, its achievability and credibility. The process of writing a quality research proposal in biotechnology, expert guidance is advisable and recommended. Contd .. We have experienced professional in various fields like biotechnology, management, engineering, science and medicine. We also provide consultations for the same and specific writing, editing, and proofreading support for your research proposal in the field of biotechnology. See also: A Good Start For Your Research Proposal Writing Contents of a Research Proposal The research proposal format varies depending on what you are applying for, e.g. grant proposal, PhD proposal, master thesis proposal, and research position proposal. The well-proven structure we use for writing the research proposal are: 1. Title page 5. Research design and methods 2. Aims and objectives 6. Budget 3. Introduction 7. Appendices 4. Literature review 8. Citations Contd .. Figure 1: aSntr uEffcteucrteiv feo r Proposal 1. Title Page Like every research document, the biotechnology research proposal will have a title page that includes. The title of your proposed research project Name of the student Name of the supervisor The department and Institution See also: Recent PhD Research Topic Ideas for Public Health 2. Aims and Objectives The aim or goal and objective of the biotechnology research proposal should give a broad indication of the expected research outcome and the hypothesis to be tested can also be the aim of your study. The objective can be categorized as primary and secondary according to the parameters and tools used to achieve the goal. 3. Introductio nThe introduction is the initial pitch for the research proposal and it is mandatory. Explain the topic Give the background and context of the topic Overview of the proposed problem statement and research question The proposal should also focus on some essential questions to guide the introduction 1. Who has an interest in the topic or the target audience? 2. What are the existing issues and the missing elements from the current trend? 3. What new insights will your research contribute? 4. Why is this research worth doing? See also: Mastering The Art Of Writing A Cancer Biology Research Proposal 4. Literature Review A literature review helps in exploring and familiarizing much about the topic. A strong review convinces the reader and makes the audience understand the importance of the proposed research in biotechnology. Compare and contrast the main theories, existing methods and controversies Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches? Show how your research fits in overcoming the challenges See also: What is a Literature review; The factors involved and its development 5. Research Design and Methods The research design and methods analyze how the researcher is addressing the research problem. This section should explain the sources and methods to be incorporated in the conduct of research and discuss the specific requirements of the proposed project. What tools and procedures will be used to conduct an experiment, collect and analyze data? Why will the chosen method be the best to answer the research questions? See also: Why Research Proposal Often Gets Rejected? Top 5 Reasons For Writing An Effective Research Proposal For Healthcare Dissertation 6. Budget The researcher should predict the required fund and add additional fund for unexpected delays and rising costs for the research budget. If the proposal is written explicitly for research funding, the researcher must categorize the budget on each part. How much money do you need? Why is this fund necessary to complete the research? How did you calculate the amount? Contd .. To determine your budget, think about: Materials cost Assistance or support staff required Travel costs Required timeline See also: Writing a Research Grant Proposal and a Research Grant Protocol in Medical Research 7. Appendices Appendices are the support document provided for a proposal, and it will be specific for each proposal include supporting documents, questionnaires, and details of measurement tool. 8. Citations Citation is the process of citing the original research paper in which the idea or methods used for composing a research proposal and it is mandatory. Conclusi on A research proposal in biotechnology should communicate the researcher’s knowledge on the project, methods and explain the need for the study. We provide a complete biotechnology research proposal writing service for clients who lacks background knowledge on biotechnology and specified service that you wish to hire an expert. C o n t a c t U s UNITED KINGDOM +44- 1143520021 INDI A+91- 9884350006 EMAI [email protected] om