The introduction sets the standard for the rest of your speech. It's divided into three sections: what's known, unknown, and your burning query, hypothesis, or goal Original Research Manuscript Writing Services. Continue Reading: For our services: Why Pubrica: When you order our services, we promise you the following – Plagiarism free | always on Time | 24*7 customer support | Written to international Standard | Unlimited Revisions support | Medical writing Expert | Publication Support | Bio statistical experts | High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us: Web: Blog: Email: [email protected] WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-1618186353
How do you write an original research article and have it published – Pubrica
How do you Write an Original Research Article and have it PAnu Acbadelmiisc phreseendtati?on by Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Pubrica Group: Email: [email protected] TODAY'S DISCUSSION In Brief Introduction Methods Results Discussion Don't overreach About Pubrica IN BRIEF TheJournalof theMedicalLibraryAssociation (JMLA)serves amoresignificantfunctionthan storing data from librarian studies. Our objective is to make research findings as valuable as possible to end-users. In its most basic form, the "Knowledge Transfer" model comprises three parts: producing information (research), translating and transmitting it to the user, and putting the knowledge into usage. The JMLA is located in the centre of the process, conveying and summarising information to the user. Contd... The JMLA must first gather information and expertise from researchers, then collaborate with them to deliver it in the most usable way possible. That implies the data must be presented in a standardized, comprehensible way. A conventional, preferred method for writing an original research report exists. Contd... Since the second part, IMRAD has dominated academic, scientific, and public health magazines. The IMRAD framework, which is suggested in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," helps to minimize extraneous material and allows essential information to be presented clearly and in a logical order. The IMRAD portions are described here, along with our comments and suggestions. Double-check the publisher's requirements if you're using this guide to submit to Write A Original Research Article. INTRODUCTION The introduction sets the standard for the rest of your speech. It's divided into three sections: what's known, unknown, and your burning query, hypothesis, or goal Original Research Manuscript Writing Services. Write for a general readership and keep this part brief (clear, concise, and as non-technical as you can be). How would you describe the study's purpose and methodology to a distant colleague? Contd... Takeyouraudiencethroughthethreeprocesses before posing your unique question. Emphasize how your research fills in the blanks (the unknown) and clarify your research topic. Answer no to the research question. Remember to save the facts, descriptions, hypotheses, and criticisms of other research for the Discussion. Contd. .. METHOD S TheMethodssectionprovidesaconcisesummary of your work. Give your audience adequate information to assess your study's persuasiveness. As in a recipe, describe the stages you did, but don't go into too much detail. Explain how you choose your subjects to represent if you're undertaking qualitative research. Contd... Youmightwish tosplititintosmallerpartswith subheadings, such ascontext:when,where,whohas permission or approval, sample selection, data collection (how), follow-up, and analytic technique. Rather than discussing all the specifics, cite a reference for regularly used or previously utilized procedures in Scientific Original Research Article. Method explanations can be made more accessible with flow diagrams and tables. When discussing your approaches, you may use first-person voice. RESULT S The data are summarised in the Results section. Make connections and define patterns. Avoidjustrepeatingthenumbersfromthetablesand figures. As far as possible, data should be kept to tables. Summarize the tables as the kind narration would; do not repeat the facts in the text. Contd... If you had a demographic table with a row of ages, and the ages of the groups were not substantially different, your reader might state, "All of the participants were 47 years old on average. The table shows that there was no significant difference between the groups." "The mean age of group 1 was 48.6 (7.5) years, and group 2 was 46.3 (5.8) years, a non-significant difference," is superior to "The mean age of group 1 was 48.6 (7.5) years and group 2 was 46.3 (5.8) years, a non-significant difference." Contd... DividetheResultssectionintosubsections,ifnecessary, using headers. Complement the data in the tables and figures with additional information. Also,onlythemostsignificantfiguresshouldberepeated and highlighted in the text. IntheResultssection,usetheactivevoiceandmakeit vibrant. Nothere,butintheMethodssection,youshouldinclude information about what you performed. Contd... Also, save your opinions on the significance of your findings for the Discussion section. Other tips to help you with the Results section: If you need to cite the number in the text (not just in the table), and the total in the group is less than 50, do not include the percentage. Write "7 of 34," not "7 (21%)." Donotforgetthatyouprobablyneedadjustmentifyouhavemultiplecomparisons.Askyour statistician if you are not sure. DISCUSSION The most flexibility is in the Discussion section. The majority of authors begin by reiterating what they accomplished. Every contributor should summarise the main points and respond to the question posed in the introduction. Concentrate on what your statistics show rather than what you anticipated they would deliver. Begin by saying "We discovered..." (or something similar) and then explain what the data means. Contd... Anticipate your audience's inquiries and explain why your findings are significant. Then relate your results to those of other people. This is where your literature review will be helpful. Discuss how your findings corroborate or contradict the findings of previous research. Unless you're doing a narrative or systematic review, you don't need to include every article from your Original Research Review Article literature review in your paper or reference list. Contd. .. Your paper isn't meant to be a comprehensive overview of the subject. Don't give a lengthy summary of the literature; instead, focus on past work directly related to your results. Contrary to widespread assumption, many references in the References section do not indicate that the article is more scholarly; instead, it suggests that the author is attempting to appear intellectual. (The citation list may be longer if your paper is a systematic review.) DON'T OVERREACH Don't go too far with your findings. Finding a perceived knowledge need, for example, does not indicate that library colleges must reform their curriculum right once or that it would enhance health care and save lives and money. However, you may say "has the potential to." Always note the restrictions that matter, not the constraints that apply to everyone. Makealistofunsolvedquestionsandpotentialfuture directions. Give your results' big-picture implications and explain why your audience should care. Finishyourstudy'ssignificantresults,anddon'tdeviate too far from your data. Remembertoincludeafinaltake-homemessageand implications in your presentation. It'sworthnotingthatthisapproachlacksadistinct Conclusion section. Contd. .. The Discussion concludes with a conclusion. For example, consider the last paragraph of a recent NEJM article's Discussion section. Finally, our study did not reveal the predicted benefit [of the intervention] in patients at high risk for problems. For abstracts, however, a separate Conclusion section is frequently suitable. An Interpretation section should be included in s ystematic reviews. Other aspects of your study article unrelated to IMRAD include: The foundation of your content is tables and numbers, and they are the narrative's plot. Thetitles,abstracts,tables,andfiguresarefrequentlythefirstthingseditors,reviewers,and readers glance at. Figures and tables should communicate a full story on their own. It should not be necessary for your readers to return to the primary material. ABOUT PUBRICA PubricaHas AProfessionalExperienceInMedical Writing. Further,The TeamOfMedicalProfessionalsFrom Pubrica, Offer Unique Medical Writing Services Includes ClinicalResearch,Pharmacology, Public Health, Regulatory Writing,ClinicalReport Forms Biostatistics, Psychology,LifeScience,Dentistry, (Crf), Radiology, Dermatology, Diabetology, Gynecology, Cardiology, Biochemistry, Forensics, Surgery, Neurology, Psychiatry,Genomics,MedicalDevice, Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Fmcg Companies, Hospitals, Universities, Publishers, PhD, Students Pursuing Medicine, Physicians, Doctors, Authors And Provide Support In Writing Any Medical Stream Paper. Contact Us UNITED KINGDOM +44 1618186353 INDIA +91-9884350006 EMAIL [email protected] om