Advanced excel training in chandigarh


Uploaded on Aug 10, 2018

Category Education

You can learn the expert functions and functions of Microsoft Excel along with our skilled authors and acquire the basic knowledge and advanced skills of Excel.

Category Education



Advanced excel training in chandigarh

Advanced Excel Training in Chandigarh Now a day, many jobs require advanced Excel skills. Naturally, you want to know what these advanced Excel skills are? Based on their experience of training more than 3,000 students in various online and physical training programs, the following 9 areas have become centers of advanced Excel skills. Advanced Excel Skills Advanced Formulas The formula makes Excel smart. Using them, Excel is just a data retention tool. However, by using mathematical expressions, you can crank and analyze data and get answers to the most complex questions. Everyone can use a simple SUM or IF expression, but that advanced user can seamlessly write mathematical expressions such as SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, INDEX, MATCH, LOOKUP and combine them. Apart from knowing formula, advanced Excel users know how to debug them, how to audit them, and which formulas to use (and also I know little alternatives to formula problems not). Resources for learning advanced Excel formulas ● SUMIFS ● SUMPRODUCT ● VLOOKUP ● INDEX + MATCH ● Handling Formula Errors ● Array Formulas ● Circular References ● Formula Auditing Tables & Formattingl i Advanced Excel users seem to be impressive by structuring and displaying the data. To create an amazing Excel workbook, you need to fully understand Excel features such as tables, cell styles, and formatting options. ADDRESS:-SCO: 23-24-25, Sector 34A, Chandigarh (UT), India. Mobile: +91 99 88 74 1983 Telephone:- 017 25 03 1983