Uploaded on Feb 13, 2018
PPt on youth Politics
PowerPoint Presentation Models of youth Political Participation Models of youth participation 1)FROM THE LOCAL TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL 2) EUROPEAN LEVEL: 2.1) Open method of Coordination 2.2) Co-Management system 3) GLOBAL LEVEL Defining Youth Organisations • Age Limit • Based on Active membership • Internal Democracy • Independent from Government • Ad-hoc and/or Structural participation • Social and/or Political participation 1) From local to national level consultative model G-local youth activity C h a n g i n g t h e L o c a l c o m m u n i t y l i f e A l o c a l c o m m u n i t y i s s u e a c t i o n G l o b a l n e t w o r k N a t i o n a l n e t w o r k L o c a l c a m p a i g n I s s u e b a s e d C a m p a i g n G l o b a l n e t w o r k N a t i o n a l n e t w o r k L o c a l y o u t h p o l i c y d e f i n i t i o n Y o u t h i s s u e s a s a n h o r i z o n t a l p o l i c y A b a s i c i n t e r e s t / a b a s i c n e e d s T h e a c t i o n s t a r t s Ad Hoc Participation Structural Participation Youth participation at the local level I s s u e b a s e d C a m p a i g n O r g . Y o u t h i s s u e s a s a n h o r i z o n t a l p o l i c y O r g . A l o c a l c o m m u n i t y i s s u e a c t i o n O r g . Local Youth Council National Youth Council Confrontation with the local Institutions National Youth Council National Institutions Relations with Institutions Action based on: 1. Consultation 2. ProposalYouth issues as a horizontal policy Org. Local Youth Councils Evaluation on the Consultative Model – The priorities of the decision makers in the youth field could not be influenced by the CM till the changes – The balance between the power of the decision makers and effectiveness of the CM must be reassessed – The CM must lead to effective action at Local/ State level, in particular in order to continue to guarantee young people’s support for and commitment to the process – Young people should be consulted constantly, in a structured and effective way 2) European level First Model: Open method of Coordination and the experience of the European Youth Forum (www.youthforum.org) What is the EYF? • A pan-European platform of national Youth councils and Non-Governmental youth Organisations in Europe • Established in 1996 • 93 member organisations • Advocating for the interests of young people towards the international institutions (European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations) • Promoting the development of youth work in Europe and internationally • Providing services to member organisations G e n e r a l A s s e m b l y ( m e e t s e v e r y 2 y e a r s ) B u r e a u ( 1 2 e l e c t e d v o l u n t e e r s ) C o u n c i l o f M e m b e r s ( m e e t s t w i c e a y e a r ) 9 3 M e m b e r O r g a n i s a t i o n s I N G Y O s N Y C s Secretariat Working Units Council of Europe Affairs Commission European Union Affairs Commission European Youth Forum What makes EYF different from other organisations? • The European Youth Forum is the only democratic youth structure in Europe representing youth organisations towards the international institutions - mainly the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations • It serves to channel the flow of information and opinions between young people and decision-makers • It is the biggest regional youth platform in the world • It is run by young people European Youth Forum Actions • Lobby the European Institutions • Participate in the consultations on the draft common objectives, the questionnaires and the evaluation report • Draft EYF positions after consultation of Member Organisations on the common objectives • Regular meetings with the institutions (+ letters, articles and press releases) Horizontal Aspects Taking more account of youth in other policies: – inclusion of youth dimension in other policies and programmes on national and European level – explore ways in which young people can be taken into consideration in EU Commission proposals and EU Community programmes and initiatives – education, lifelong learning, mobility, employment and social integration, combating racism and xenophobia, autonomy Open Method of Coordination S i n c e 2 0 0 1 o n t h e Y o u t h P o l i c y E Y F p r o p o s a l s O p e n m e t h o d c o o r d i n a t i o n ( c o n s u l t a t i o n ) E U C o m m i s s i o n p r o p o s a l s E U S t a t e s N a t i o n a l Y o u t h p o l i c y d e c i s i o n Open Method of Coordination 4 thematic priorities – Participation – Information – Voluntary activities among young people – Greater understanding and knowledge of youth Consultation European Youth Forum is consulted on the different stages: - The formulation of the questionnaires - Drafts for common objectives in each priority area - Evaluation report of the OMC 2) European level Second Model: Co-Management System and the experience of the Council of Europe (www.coe.int) Key values and work fields of the Council of Europe Democratic ideals and standards European Cultural identity Cooperation on relevant issues for societies Universality of Human Rights 3) Global level International Youth Cooperation ICMYO pe ICMYO Global action We call for: 1. Open method of coordination 2. Co- Management system UN Agencies Regional Institutions Reg/Global youth platform MDG Thank you for your attention!