Uploaded on Mar 21, 2024
Chris Reynolds, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Worldwide Localization and Fulfillment at Deluxe, collaborates with SlatorPod to delve into the nuances of dubbing and explore the potential impact of AI on the industry. https://slator.com/deluxes-chris-reynolds-on-dubbing-subtitling-localization-for-hollywood/
Chris Reynolds of Deluxe shares insights on dubbing, subtitling, and localization for Hollywood.
Chris Reynolds of Deluxe shares insights on dubbing, sub titling, and localization for Hollywood. www.slator.com Chris Reynolds, the EVP and General Manager of Worldwide Localization and Fulfillment at Deluxe, joins SlatorPod to talk about the complexities of dubbing and the potential impact of AI on the industry. Chris explores various aspects of the dubbing process, such as voice casting, script adaptation, and post-production. He also highlights the challenges posed by tight timelines, especially with the increasing demand from streaming services for simultaneous releases in multiple languages. The Deluxe executive also emphasizes the technical hurdles linked with distributing large, uncompressed master files, particularly for major Hollywood Csthurdisio ssh. ares how Deluxe plans to use AppTek’s expertise in language AI to enhance the quality and efficiency of dubbing workflows, while maintaining the artistic integrity and emotional resonance of the original content. www.slator.com Chris also touches upon the recent agreement by SAG-AFTRA and its implications for voice actors’ rights and compensation in the era of AI dubbing. www.slator.com Slator i s the leading source of news and research for the g loba l t rans la t ion, loca l izat ion, and language technology indust ry . Our Adv isory pract ice is a t rusted par tner to c l ients look ing for independent analys is . Headquar tered in Zur ich, S la tor has a presence in As ia , Europe, and the US. www.slator.com