Uploaded on Nov 7, 2023
Pablo Navascués, Managing Director of global content and SEO agency Key Content, joins SlatorPod to discuss the impact of generative AI on content creation and SEO.
The Evolution of Multilingual SEO Through Generative AI with Pablo Navascués
The Evolution of Multilingual SEO Throug h Generative AI with Pablo Navascués www.slator.com Pablo Navascués, Managing Director of global content and SEO agency Key Content, joins SlatorPod to discuss the impact of generative AI on content creation and SEO. Pablo illustrates the growing interconnection between content and SEO strategies, underscoring the importance of top-notch, user-centric content. He recognizes AI's value in expanding content creation but emphasizes the necessity of human insight in specific situations, cautioning that AI-generated content might not consistently align with quality and precision standards. When it comes to Google‘s approach to ranking AI-generated content, Pablo suggests that Google values content based on how helpful it is to users rather than focusing on whether it is created by humans or AI. www.slator.com Pablo talks about the challenges of prompt engineering in working with large language models and how it can be utilized for A/B testing and data analysis. He shares insights from their research on AI content tools, which revealed that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and different tools perform better depending on the type of content, audience, and language. Pablo predicts that content workflows will become more sophisticated and personalized, and the role of content strategists within organizations will become more critical. www.slator.com www.slator.com Slator is the lead ing source of news and research for the g lobal t rans la t ion, loca l izat ion, and language technology indust ry . Our Adv isory prac t ice is a t rusted par tner to c l ients look ing for independent ana lys is . Headquar tered in Zur ich, S la tor has a presence in As ia , Europe, and the US. www.slator.com