Exploring Literary Translation A Blend of Art and Commerce with Dr. B.J. Woodstein


Uploaded on Apr 9, 2024

Dr. B.J. Woodstein, Professor, Translator, and Writer, joins SlatorPod to talk about translation theory and its implications for literary translators, while also shedding light on the professional challenges, nuances, and ethical considerations. B.J. discusses her upcoming book, “Translation Theory for Literary Translators”, where she aims to demystify translation theory and make it accessible to translators. She highlights the need for translators to understand and engage with translation theory to enhance their work and make informed decisions in their practice.



Exploring Literary Translation A Blend of Art and Commerce with Dr. B.J. Woodstein

Exploring Literary Translation: A Blend of Art and Comme rce with Dr. B.J. Woodstein www.slator.com Dr. B.J. Woodstein, Professor, Translator, and Writer, joins SlatorPod to talk about translation theory and its implications for literary translators, while also shedding light on the professional challenges, nuances, and ethical considerations. B.J. discusses her upcoming book, “Translation Theory for Literary Translators”, where she aims to demystify translation theory and make it accessible to translators. She highlights the need for translators to understand and engage with translation theory to enhance their work and make informed decisions in their practice. The author shares insights on the market dynamics of literary translation, including how translators are selected, rates are set, and the challenges faced in the industry. She highlights the importance of human intervention in translation, especially in handling linguistic nuances, cultural concepts, and editorial decisions that go beyond what AI or machine translation can achieve. www.slator.com www.slator.com Slator i s the leading source of news and research for the g loba l t rans la t ion, loca l izat ion, and language technology indust ry . Our Adv isory pract ice is a t rusted par tner to c l ients look ing for independent analys is . Headquar tered in Zur ich, S la tor has a presence in As ia , Europe, and the US. www.slator.com