Uploaded on Nov 19, 2024
Florian and Esther discuss the language industry news of the week, with Slator’s latest Translation as a Feature (TaaF) Report, which explores how AI translation is becoming an integral feature in enterprise technology. Florian talks about Reddit’s success with machine translation (MT). By localizing content into French, the social media platform quadrupled daily active users in France, demonstrating the high ROI of investing millions in AI-driven localization each quarter. In an M&A corner, Esther discusses Wolfestone’s acquisition of TauRho Transcribes, beefing up Wolfestone’s offerings in transcription and life sciences. She also covers TransPerfect’s fourth acquisition of 2024 with Plint selling its Netherlands-based media localization studio to the Super Agency.
Reddit Rises on AI Translation, TransPerfect Buys Studio
Reddit Rises on AI Translatio n, TransPerfect Buys Studio www.slator.com Florian and Esther discuss the language industry news of the week, with Slator’s latest Translation as a Feature (TaaF) Report, which explores how AI translation is becoming an integral feature in enterprise technology. Florian talks about Reddit’s success with machine translation (MT). By localizing content into French, the social media platform quadrupled daily active users in France, demonstrating the high ROI of investing millions in AI-driven localization each quarter. In an M&A corner, Esther discusses Wolfestone’s acquisition of TauRho Transcribes, beefing up Wolfestone’s offerings in transcription and life sciences. She also covers TransPerfect’s fourth acquisition of 2024 with Plint selling its Netherlands-based media localization studio to the Super Agency. www.slator.com Esther highlights Panjaya.ai’s USD 9.5m funding for BodyTalk, which perfects multilingual AI translation by synchronizing lip movements and gestures. Meanwhile, Neuphonic, a UK-based voice AI startup focused on ultra-low latency speech technology, has rFaloisreiadn G reBvPi e3wms imn apjroer- sAeI eladu fnucnhes: Translated’s Lara, a customizable large- ding scale AI-powered translation model, DeepL’s “DeepL Voice”, offering real-time . speech-to-text capabilities, and Unbabel’s Widn.AI, a platform offering advanced MT customization. Slator i s the leading source of news and research for the g loba l t rans la t ion, loca l iza t ion, and language technology indust ry . Our Adv isory pract ice is a t rusted par tner to c l ients look ing for independent analys is . Headquar tered in Zur ich, S la tor has a presence in As ia , Europe, and the US. www.slator.c om