Uploaded on Feb 22, 2024
In the landmark 200th episode of the SlatorPod, we are joined by Anja Jones, Managing Director of AJT, to talk about the language service provider’s (LSP’s) journey to becoming a B Corp, a certification for businesses balancing profit with social and environmental responsibility.
Why Social Responsibility is at the Foundation of Anja Jones's Language Services Business
Why Social Responsibility is at the Foundation of Anja Jones's Language Services Business www.slator.com In the landmark 200th episode of the SlatorPod, we are joined by Anja Jones, Managing Director of AJT, to talk about the language service provider’s (LSP’s) journey to becoming a B Corp, a certification for businesses balancing profit with social and environmental responsibility. Anja touches upon the impact of large language models (LLMs), expressing concerns about ethical implications, copyright issues, and the environmental footprint associated with LLMs. She also discusses how a focus on the intricacies of European culture became their USP. When it comes to using AI in translation, Anja highlights that certain content types, such as marketing texts and transcreation, are still best handled by human translators due to the need for creativity and cultural sensitivity. www.slator.com Anja also talks about winning the 2023 ATC Ethical Business award, attributing it to their commitment to fair pay, transparent communication, and creating opportunities for new translators. www.slator.com Slator is the lead ing source of news and research for the g lobal t rans la t ion, loca l izat ion, and language technology indust ry . Our Adv isory prac t ice is a t rusted par tner to c l ients look ing for independent ana lys is . Headquar tered in Zur ich, S la tor has a presence in As ia , Europe, and the US. www.slator.com