Uploaded on Feb 9, 2024
In this week’s SlatorPod, we are joined by Bart Maczynski, the VP of Machine Learning at Language Weaver, the translation tech brand of Super Agency RWS, to talk about the challenges and advancements in enterprise-grade machine translation (MT).
The State-of-the-Art in Machine Translation with Language Weaver’s Bart Maczynski
The State-of-the-Art in Machine Translation with Language Weaver’s Bart Maczynski www.slator.com In this week’s SlatorPod, we are joined by Bart Maczynski, the VP of Machine Learning at Language Weaver, the translation tech brand of Super Agency RWS, to talk about the challenges and advancements in enterprise-grade machine translation (MT). The discussion delves into the distinctions between enterprise and consumer- grade MT, with challenges including data security, scalability, adaptability, user experience, and risk mitigation. Bart touches on the impact of large language models (LLMs) on the landscape, noting potential risks, such as deceptive fluency, and the need for control in enterprise settings. The VP discusses the recent launch of Evolve, an automated post-editing solution that combines auto-adaptive neural MT, machine translation quality estimation, and a secure, private LLM. www.slator.com Bart talks about the evolving landscape of language AI and the integration of MT into broader workflows, driven by innovations in orchestration and automation platforms. www.slator.com Slator is the lead ing source of news and research for the g lobal t rans la t ion, loca l izat ion, and language technology indust ry . Our Adv isory prac t ice is a t rusted par tner to c l ients look ing for independent ana lys is . Headquar tered in Zur ich, S la tor has a presence in As ia , Europe, and the US. www.slator.com