Buy ADIY Fly RP2040 Board - Tomson Electronics


Uploaded on May 3, 2024

ADIY FLY comes with a large on-chip memory, symmetric dual-core processor complex, deterministic bus fabric, and rich peripheral set augmented with a unique Programmable I/O (PIO) subsystem, RP2040 provides professional users with unrivalled power and flexibility.



Buy ADIY Fly RP2040 Board - Tomson Electronics

ADIY Fly Pico RP2040 ADIY Fly Pico RP2040 ADIY FLY comes with a large on-chip memory,symmetric dual-core processor complex,deterministicbusfabric,andrichperiphe ralsetaugmented with a unique Programmable I/O(PIO) subsystem, RP2040 provides professionaluserswithunrivalledpowerandflexibili ty. ADIY Fly Pico RP2040 ADIY FLY pairs RP2040 with 4MB of Flashmemory, and a power supply chip supportinginput voltages from 1.8-5.5V. It provides 26GPIO pins, three of which can function asanaloginputs,on0.1”-pitchthrough- holepadswith castelated edges. ADIY FLY has SD cardslot installed. The RESET button on ADIY FLYmakestheusageofthemoduleeasy. ADIY Fly Pico RP2040 WhyistheBoardcalledPicoRP2040Board–ADIYFLY? • Numberofprocessorcores(2) • Looselywhichtypeofprocessor(M0+) • floor(log2(ram/16k)) • floor(log2(nonvolatile/16k))or0ifnoonboardnonv olatile storage +918606650999