Uploaded on May 15, 2024
A rain sensor module is an easy tool for rain detection. It can be used as a switch when a raindrop falls through the raining board or for measuring rainfall intensity. The module features, a rain board and a control board that is separate for more convenience.
Rain Drop Detection Sensor Module
ADIY Rain DropDetection Sensor Module ADIY Rain DropDetection Sensor Module A rain sensor module is an easy tool for rain detection. It can be used as a switch when a raindrop falls throughthe raining board or for measuring rainfall intensity. The module features, a rain board and a control board that isseparateformoreconvenience,powerindicatorLEDandanadjustablesensitivitythroughapotentiometer. ADIY Rain DropDetection Sensor Module The analogoutputis usedin thedetection of drops in the amount of rainfall. Connectedto a 5Vp o w e r s u p p l y , the LED wil turn on when induction board has no raindrop, and DO output is high. When dropping a little amountwater, DO output is low, the switch indicator wil turn on. Brush off the water droplets, and when restored to theinitialstate,outputshighlevel. ADIY Rain DropDetection Sensor Module It includes a printed circuit board (control board) that collects the raindrops. As raindrops are collected on thecircuit board, they create paths of parallel resistance that are measured via the op-amp. The lower the resistance(or the more water), the lower the voltage output. Conversely, the less water, the greater the output voltage ontheanalogpin. Acompletelydryboard,forexample, willcausethemoduletooutput 5V. +918606650999 www.tomsonelectronics.com