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Alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune
Coming Out From Alcoholism •• Many ssay tthatt healliing iiss a conssttantt prrocessss tthatt neverr ssttopss,, maiinlly fforr tthe iindiiviiduallss ssufffferriing ffrrom ssubssttance usse diisseasse whiich needss titime tto siink,, as ttherre iis stitillll lliiffe tto be iinvollved aftfterr tthe complletition off one’’s rrehab ttenurre,, achiieviing tthe mostt.. Many Allcoholl Rehabiilliittatition Centterr iin Pune worrk tthrrough tthe conttrroll off ottherr peoplle.. Many Allcoholl Rehabiilliittatition Centterr iin Pune ssttarrtted ttheiirr rressearrch and iinvesstitigatitionss on tteenss,, wherre iitt hass been sshown tthatt tthe iinflfluence off peerrss iiss tthe mosstt excellllentt motitivattorr fforr drrug conssumptition.. Teenagerrss who wasstte titime wiitth ttheiirr prro--drrug buddiiess arre morre lliikelly tto gett wasstted and wiillll defifiniittelly have a prrobllem giiviing up allcoholl,, iin corrrresspondence wiitth tthe tteenss tthatt ussualllly sspend ttheiirr titime wiitth ssoberr peoplle.. Many adullttss and tteenagerrss have alllliiancess buiilltt on drrug conssumptition whiich mean ssharriing meallss orr merrelly by communiicatiting ass tthe attttrractition grrow tto be ssttrrongerr,, butt on tthe conttrrarry ssttrraiightt ffrriiendss arre rrealllly hellpffull tto ssupporrtt tthe compllette rrecoverry prrocessss.. •• Forr sseverrall peoplle iin tthe rrecoverry prrocessss,, tthe olld communiitty iiss ffullll off ssuggesstitionss iin rrellatition tto abusse and maiinlly iin rrellatition tto ssubssttance abusse.. Many Allcoholl Rehabiilliittatition Centterr iin Pune,, have allsso wiittnessssed tthatt peoplle ussualllly drriive by ttheiirr drrug ssellllerrss on a rregullarr bassiiss ssttandiing iin ffrrontt off rroad corrnerrss,, ssociiall barr ffrronttss,, grreen parrkss ettc.. whiich tthey callll tthe titime off beiing exttrremelly hiigh orr beiing drrunk.. IIff tthiiss iis tthe case,, a rreverrsall coulld iimmediiattelly ttrranspiirre.. Moviing tto an entitirrelly new arrea may sttarrtt tthe rresett swiittch on desiirres.. •• Ressearrcherrss ttoday arre worrkiing on numerrouss and varriied apprroachess tto iimprrove tthe qualliitty,, accessssiibiilliitty,, effffectitivenessss and tthe cosstt-- effffectitivenessss off ttrreattmentt fforr allcoholl usse diissorrderrss.. The apprroachess rreviiewed iin ttoday’’ss datte iinclludess tthe pottentitiall ffutturre devellopmenttss fforr allcoholliissm ttrreattmentt iinclludiing behaviiorrall ttherrapy,, advancess iin ttechnollogy whiich arre tthuss beiing iimprroved,, iinttegrratted carre off patitienttss wiitth AUD and co--occurrrriing diissorrderrss wiitth tthe rrolle off 12--ssttep prrogrramss iin tthe brroaderr tterrrraiin off ttrreattmenttss,, ttrreatiting patitienttss wiitth a rrecurrrrentt and chrroniic allcoholl dependency wiitth a ssttrrattegy tto cllosse tthe gap bettween tthe ttrreattmentt need and ttrreattmentt utitilliizzatition and how iitt allll changess iin tthe healltthcarre ssyssttem whiich may allsso affffectt tthe delliiverry off tthe ttrreattmentt prrocessss.. •• •• Allcoholliissm ttrreattmentt ass iitt exiissttss ttoday,, allsso rressttss on decadess off rressearrch expllorriing tthe mosstt effffectitive wayss off hellpiing peoplle tto rreduce tthe conssumptition and usse off allcoholl.. Ressearrch hass eventtualllly paved tthe way fforr devellopmentt and applliicatition ttowarrdss new metthodss and ttherrapiiess and allsso wiillll contitinue tto iinflfluence tthe ttrreattmentt prractiticess iin tthe ffutturre.. Allcoholliicss Anonymouss wass iiniititialllly ffounded by Biillll Wiillson and Bob Smiitth iin Akrron,, Ohiio iin 1935.. The Allcoholliics Anonymous prrogrram was off spiirriittuall and charractterr devellopmentt whiich bassiicalllly conssiisstted off tthe 12 ssttepss ttrreattmentt prrogrram whiich wass bassed on tthe prremiissess off tturrniing an iindiiviiduall’’ss lliiffe and wiillll iintto a meaniingffull one conssiisstiting off ‘‘Hiigherr Powerr’’,, whiich iiss eventtualllly tthe key ttowarrdss rrecoverry.. Anottherr essssentitiall iidea wass tthatt tthe rrecoverry orr ssobrriietty maiinlly dependss on tthe admiissssiion off powerrllessssnessss wiitth rresspectt tto allcoholl orr any ottherr ssubssttancess off abusse.. Belliieviing iin tthe ttenurre prroviided tto tthem and tto ttheiirr experrtt counssellorrss and ssttaffff,, one can iindeed iimprrove ttheiirr capabiilliititiess and can come iintto tthe lliightt agaiin beiing healltthiierr and happiierr.. •• • Many Allcoholl Rehabiilliittatition Centterr iin IIndiia,, have ffaced tthe cases wherre women patitientts ttaken iintto carre have been eiittherr mollestted or have been a stitillll ttargett and an entter space iintto tthe fifielld off ‘‘Sex Traffiffickiing’’.. Around more tthan 75+ Allcoholl Rehabiilliittatition Centterr iin IIndiia have llostt tthe ttrrack off women patitientts wiitth no stteady rrecorrd off ffamiilly hiisttorry tthey possess,, tthus endiing up iin tthiis horrrriiblle busiiness.. Thus,, aftfterr conductiting many surrveys and haviing llotts off iintterrviiews diirrecttlly wiitth tthe Allcoholl Rehabiilliitatition Center iin IIndiia and wiitth ttheiir women patitientts across IIndiia,, llegiitt are tthey ttaken care off? IIs tthe worlld becomiing a new and moderrn worrlld? Orr arre we jjustt rreduciing ourr llevells as a human rrace? •• Therre iis no denyiing tthe ffactt tthatt women iin IIndiia have made a ffanttastitic prrogrress iin allmostt tten pastt decades off iindependence,, butt tthey stitillll needed tto sttrrugglle agaiinstt many sociiall and perrsonall eviills iin a malle--domiinatted sociietty.. Many eviill and masculliine fforrces stitillll prrevaiill iin tthe moderrn IIndiian sociietty tthatt rresiistts tthe fforrwarrd marrch off womens..IItt iis such iirroniicall and hypocrriittes tthatt such a counttrry who rrecenttlly was awarrded wiitth tthe sttattus off Asiia''s fifirrstt counttrry tto accomplliish iitts Marrs miissiion and a counttrry whiich cellebrratted Durrga Poojja wiitth such grrace prrayiing a women,, grrasps 29tth rrank among 146 counttrriies acrross tthe gllobe fforr Genderr IInequalliitty.. •• We fifind women iin allll secttorrs ffrrom fifightiting nearr tthe borrderr tto fifightiting wiitthiin herrsellff tto giive biirrtth,, she ttrriies tto prrottectt everryone butt iis she rrealllly prrottectted by anyone? We need tto make much betttterr sociietty fforr herr.. Lettitting herr achiieviing herr goalls,, giiviing herr tthe lliiberrtty tto lliive lliiffe on herr tterrms,, nott fforrciing herr fforr rrape,, marrrriiage ettc.. tteachiing and iinfforrmiing herr ffrrom wrrong ttouch,, perriiods tto ttakiing majjorr deciisiions off lliiffe.. IItt shoulld be nott onlly a giirrll''s ffamiilly''s rresponsiibiilliitty butt allso ourrs tto tturrn herr ffrrom a giirrll iintto iindependentt women.. •• • Now a day’’s sociiall mediia iis pllayiing a verry iimporrttantt rrolle tto crreatte awarreness fforr women iissues and tto sttarrtt rrespectiting herr.. Be iitt any women based fifillm orr serriiall orr adverrtitisementts butt ffamous you--ttube channells and youttuberrs allso have sttarrtted makiing such web serriies orr viideos rrellatted tto women empowerrmentt.. IItt shoulld be tthe youtth who shoulld see tthese serriies and underrsttand tthe iimporrttance and can pass on tthe message and can iincullcatte some vallues because tthey have tthe powerr iin tthe ffutturre and can make ttheiirr comiing youngerr generratition tto giive rrespectt on women iissues.. • IItt iis verry necessarry fforr allll IIndiian men tto underrsttand tthe powerr off women and llett tthem go ahead tto make tthemsellves iindependentt and power off tthe ffamiilly and counttry.. Gender equalliitty iis tthe fifirstt sttep tto briing women empowermentt iin IIndiia.. Empowermentt iis jjustt nott a worrd orr tto prroviide ffaciilliitities,, iitt iis beyond tthatt,, many off us use tthiis worrd casualllly orr rrealllly do nott know whatt tthe worrd empowerrmentt sttands fforr.. Allways rrememberr iitt iis a prrocess tthatt giives a perrson ffrreedom iin deciisiion makiing.. Rememberr iitt iis herr lliiffe,, her deciisiions,, her miisttakes,, her choiice,, her empowermentt.. And above allll remember tthatt she iis tthe reason off your exiisttence!! ••