Make sure that your winter tyres keep you safe


Uploaded on Nov 15, 2019

Category Automotive

When driving during wintertime you definitely need winter tyres if you have winter conditions. Winter conditions include snow, ice, slush and low temperatures. Winter tyres have better performance versus summer tyres already when the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius. This is because the rubber compound in summer tyres have been optimized for warm temperatures. So they will not be soft and flexible at low temperatures, they will actually turn hard. Tyres achieve some of its grip through the fact that they are able to comply with the surface, pushing some of its rubber into the micro-cavities in the surface. When you don’t have this you will lose some of the grip. This is why it is important to already change as the temperature drops and not wait for the snow to arrive. When the snow arrives it is already too late for you to change, unless you can do it without driving somewhere. For more info regarding winter tyres, visit:

Category Automotive



Make sure that your winter tyres keep you safe

Ways to ensure safe driving Ways to ensure safe driving • Safety of driving tends to come down to 3 main things, your own experience, the safety of your vehicle and then the tyres that you have mounted on your vehicle. Since cars are expensive you tend to be stuck with your vehicle choice and it is difficult to make a change in the short term. Your own experience comes over time and it is important that you prepare for all driving conditions, not only dry tarmac, which tends to be the easiest condition. You need to also be able to handle wet roads, rain and winter conditions. Winter condition are the most challenging conditions to drive in and everyone will need to practice driving under these conditions. Ways to ensure safe driving • When it comes to tyres, this is the easiest one to impact. You will need to make sure that you select tyre that can provide the best safety performance for your vehicle during the conditions that you intend to drive in. There will be different tyres depending on your vehicle. You will need special tyres if you have an SUV or a hybrid or an electrical car. You will also have different tyres if you aim to drive in winter conditions. You can also depending on where you live choose an all year round tyre by choosing winter approved all-weather tyres. • For winter tyres it is more important from a safety perspective to ensure that you have the right tyres for the conditions that you will face. This doesn’t mean that the summer tyres are less important, this if of course not the fact, they are both important for your safety, the winter tyres do however face more challenging conditions, so a bad choice can lead to a higher degree of risk. Ways to ensure safe driving • So in addition of the importance of the importance of correct tyre selection, the car selection is important. This is one of the reasons that more people are choosing safe cars and even SUVs that have excellent safety records. If you do choose an SUV, make sure that you then select SUV summer tyres and SUV winter tyres that can ensure that the safety of the SUV is translated to safety on the road. Bad tyres can jeopardize the safety of your vehicle as a safe vehicle with tyres with only limited grip can not perform as intended. • For more info regarding premium tyres, visit: Ways to ensure safe driving