Uploaded on Mar 17, 2023
As a business owner or employee, you're curious about how SEO can help your company increase relevant traffic, leads, sales, revenue, and profit. You can look it up on Wikipedia if you need to learn SEO.
SEO Basic Learning
SEO Basic Learning As a business owner or employee, you're curious about how SEO can help your company increase relevant traffic, leads, sales, revenue, and profit. You can look it up on Wikipedia if you need to learn SEO. What is SEO? SEO "influences the visibility of a website or a web page in organic search engine results." The higher your pages appear in search results, the more likely they will be seen and clicked. The ultimate goal of search engine optimization is to help increase website visits, which will eventually convert to clients, customers, or a loyal audience. Google Search & SEO SEO is an important marketing channel. First and foremost, 57% of all website traffic comes from Google organic search results. The SEO market is expected to grow to 150 billion dollars by 2030. SEO results in organic and real- time business results. Whenever a person wants to do something, go somewhere, learn something, gather data, do research, or purchase goods or SEO services, they come up with the slogan "Just Google it." Importance of SEO Compared to other marketing channels, SEO is critical for brands and businesses. Effective SEO work lasts a long time. Following a paid campaign, the traffic ceases to exist. At best, social media traffic is erratic and only a fraction of what it once was. Search Engine Optimization is the base of marketing, wherever the company goes, it goes with Search Engine Optimization. SEO can help you get the traffic you need to achieve important business goals (e.g., conversions, visits, sales). Additionally, it fosters trust because highly ranked websites are often seen as reliable or authoritative, both of which Google values and rewards with higher rankings. SEO Working Overall, SEO is most effective when it combines: People: The individual or group in charge of carrying out or seeing that the strategic, tactical, and operational SEO work is done. Processes: The steps done to improve the productivity of the task. Tools: Platforms and tools used in technology. Results: The final output of the activity. SEO is influenced by a variety of other factors too.