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Presentation on "Excel formula's that you may not be aware of"
Excel formula's that you may not be aware of
EXCEL FORMULA'S THAT YOU MAY NOT BE AWARE OF INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL FORMULAE Excel formulas save you from tricky mathematics calculation. Different formulas including sum, product., subtraction, division, percentage etc. are available in excel. Here is the list of some basic formulas: Note- Keep in mind, before putting any formula, you have to use '=' equal sign. 1. VLOOKUP Syntax: =VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table-array, col_index_num, [range lookup]) Value search in given specific Value search in the Value to search for sheet table array You can refer the value from one table to another table. You can insert actual numbers, date, or text as well as a specific cell reference. www.excel-easy.com 2. Index Syntax: =INDEX( array, row-num, [column_num]) Range of Row no. from Column no. from cells/names/tables which value which value returns returns Depending upon the row/column number, the Index function returns the value of the element. www.techonthenet.com 3.Match Syntax: =MATCH(Lookup_value, lookup_array, It[sm opattiocnha_l,t dyepfien]e)s match type Value search in the Value to search for table array You can insert actual numbers, name, specific cell contents in the place of lookup value. It save your time to find specific value in the sheet. www.excel-easy.com 4. SUMIF Syntax: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) Ranged that apply Optional, defines Condition for to sum range of sum Used to perform the pseurfmor moinf g cells based on criteria sum applied. Logical operators used to apply the criteria. www.ablebits.com 5. Concatenate Syntax: = CONCATENATE( Value1, value2…….) This formula joins two or more texts into a single string. Value can be taken directly from cell values. www.wallstreetmojo.com 6. Date Syntax: =DATE(year, month, day) You can insert actual numbers on the place of value or numbers in a specific cell. Ex. www.techonthenet.com 7. LEFT Syntax: = LEFT(text, [num_chars]) Text from which you want No. of character you want Youto pcualln c hparualclt ersse tloe lceftted dattao piunl l ttoh leef t.left side of the column. A Similar RIGHT function can be used to pull data to the right side of the column. www.exceljet.net 8. Average Syntax: = AVERAGE (value1, Value2...... ValueN) You can insert actual numbers on the place of value or numbers in a specific cell. Ex. www.solveyourtech.com